
Private hospitals in Ecuador are joining public hospitals in Ecuador in closing their Covid-19 wards as cases of the virus decline. Some private hospitals say they will no longer treat new cases due to the lack of patients and the health protocols required to care for them. “The good news is that the pandemic is...
Martes, 28/9/2021 Hola, Todos – Nada. Titular – Suspenden vuelos (Flights suspended) – Almost 3 months after resuming Cuenca-Quito flights, Aeroregional airlines has suspended its flights again, possibly because of a lack of passengers according to tour operators. The airlines has not officially issued the reason for its decision. The airline started operations in Cuenca...
By Julie Turkewitz On a coca farm hidden in the jungle, a half-dozen day laborers slip out of hammocks and head to work, harvesting the shiny green leaves that will become cocaine. In the nearby village of La Paz, chalky white cocaine base serves as currency, used to buy bread or beans. And in the...
About 4,000 people marched Saturday in the northern Chilean port city of Iquique to protest the presence of undocumented Venezuelans, with some demonstrators scuffling with migrants and a radical fringe setting fire to belongings at an empty immigrant camp. The marching demonstrators shouted “No more illegal immigration” and sang the local anthem as well as...
According to Jorge Moscoso, director of Cuenca’s Tranvía de los Cuatros Rios, the one-year anniversary of tram operation should be a time to celebrate. “The system is working very efficiently and is exceeding our expectations in almost all respects,” he says. “We’ve encountered very few technical problems, we’re running on time, we have one of...
Lunes, 27/9/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Eliécer Cárdenas, el cronista insuperable (Eliécer Cárdenas, the insurmountable chronicler) – Eliécer Cárdenas, a well known writer who was born in Cañar and later adopted Cuenca as his home, died ayer at age 70. In 1987 he won the Aurelio Espinosa Pólit Prize with the...
The Covid-19 pandemic reduced life expectancy in 2020 by the largest amount since World War Two, according to a study published on Monday by Oxford University, with the life expectancy of American men dropping by more than two years. Life expectancy fell by more than six months compared with 2019 in 22 of the 29...
U.S. officials are set to tour Latin America this week to scout infrastructure projects as they prepare a counter to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative. A delegation of diplomatic and development officials led by President Joe Biden’s Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh is in Colombia, where they plan to meet...
President Guillermo Lasso’s proposal to reactivate the economy has little chance of passage in Ecuador’s National Assembly, according to both its supporters and opponents. “The legislation, as presented, will need major revisions to have any chance of becoming law,” says Nathalie Arias, a member of Lasso’s Creo party. Opposition to the Creation of Opportunities Law...
Police in Norway have reported dozens of disturbances and violent clashes including mass brawls in the Nordic country’s big cities after streets, bars, restaurants and nightclubs were on Sunday filled with people celebrating the end of Covid-19 restrictions that lasted for more than a year. The Norwegian government abruptly announced on Friday that most of...
By John Keeble A major mural painting project spanning two barrios in the west of Cuenca has taken another step forward and the final phase is likely to begin in two weeks. It is a cooperative venture between the communities of Convención Del 45  and Tandacatu barrios, the ceramicist Eduardo Segovia, and some of the...
The Cuenca Emergency Operations Committee has authorized the reopening of bars and discotheques beginning October 6. In addition, other businesses that serve alcoholic beverages that are classified as “entertainment centers”, including game rooms and licensed brothels, will be allowed to reopen. All have been closed since March of 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. According...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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