
By Joshua Goodman It’s 3 a.m., and after five days plying through the high seas, the Ocean Warrior is surrounded by an atoll of blazing lights that overtakes the nighttime sky. “Welcome to the party!” said third officer Filippo Marini as the spectacle floods the ship’s bridge and interrupts his overnight watch. It’s the conservationists’...
By Kate Springer As variants spell a new chapter for the pandemic, some countries have accepted COVID-19 as a fact of life and eased restrictions, while others have doubled down on a zero-COVID model with stringent lockdown and quarantine measures. In Asia-Pacific, it’s largely the latter, with lengthy and expensive quarantines remaining the norm, once-heaving...
Jueves, 23/9/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De fotografía, historia y teatro tratarán charlas (Talks using photography, history and theater) – A series of talks and conferences will be given on virtual channels in the patrimonial houses administered by the Dirección de Cultura del Municipio de Cuenca. The first, “Backstage,” was a las 15:00 <I...
By Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH The development of the mRNA vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the single greatest scientific advance of the pandemic, and will lead to a Nobel prize. At the same time, there are many legitimate questions and concerns about the dose, the number of shots, the interval between shots, order...
By John Keeble An exhibition of urban art is running in the Alliance Francaise’s Paul Cézanne Gallery — reflecting the changing way that street artists are adding to the beauty of Cuenca and drawing attention to an issue centering on artists and art content. The show is part of the Alliance’s 4th Annual Festival de...
By Victoria Gill A Covid therapy derived from a llama named Fifi has shown “significant potential” in early trials. It is a treatment made of “nanobodies”, small, simpler versions of antibodies, which llamas and camels produce naturally in response to infection. Once the therapy has been tested in humans, scientists say, it could be given...
Ecuador Foreign Minister Mauricio Montalvo said Wednesday that Ecuador has not officially agreed to accept refugees from Afghanistan. The comment came in response to anger from members of the National Assembly and others following the announcement three weeks ago that the government would accept as many 5,000 Afghans evacuated following the U.S. withdrawal from its...
Miércoles, 22/9/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Dos semanas de fiesta con culturas urbanas (Two weeks of festivities with urban cultures) – The 4th Festival de Culturas Urbanas started last night with the opening of a show, “Los poetas del concreto” in the salon of the Alianza Francesa. Except for a master class for which...
Editor’s note: Out on the Town is a new feature listing events, campaigns and other goings-on sent in by local businesses and sponsors in Cuenca. For information about how to submit a notice, see below. Paco Lightfoot says: “On Saturday, September 25, beginning at 11 a.m. and running till 5 p.m., La Yunta is hosting...
In his first address to the United Nations General Assembly, President Guillermo Lasso said that economic cooperation between countries is necessary to end the waves of migrants circulating in Latin America. “Tragedies are playing out daily as millions of people are looking for better economic opportunities and better lives,” he said. “We see this most...
The National Emergency Operations Committee (COE) voted Monday to allow 100 percent capacity on all intra- and interprovincial transportation buses in the country. The move clears the way for municipalities to eliminate limits which currently stand at 75 percent. “We are able to remove the capacity limit because of the decline in coronavirus cases and...
Martes, 21/9/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – App para escuchar audiolibros y podcast (App to listen to audiobooks and podcast) – AudioStories is a new format for people to enjoy Ecuadorian authors and is the first app for audiobooks and podcasts from Ecuador with both classic and contemporary literature. The first prototype is available at...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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