
By Adam Tooze Almost two years since the novel coronavirus began to circulate through the human population, what lessons have we learned? And what do those lessons portend for future crises? The most obvious is the hardest to digest: The world’s decision makers have given us a staggering demonstration of their collective inability to grasp...
Unvaccinated heads of state attending the United Nation General Assembly this week may have to settle for a piece of pizza on a sidewalk instead of fine dining at New York’s restaurants. That is how Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro dined on his first night in New York, where no one is allowed into the city’s...
The government announced Monday it will purchase 267 ambulances and repair 40 others following a report that more than half of the ambulances at the country’s public and Social Security hospitals are out of service. A study commissioned by the Ministry of Health found more than 100 non-working ambulances stored in hospital garages and in...
By Zeke Miller In a major easing of pandemic travel restrictions, the U.S. said Monday it will allow foreigners to fly into the country this fall if they have vaccination proof and a negative COVID-19 test — changes replacing a hodgepodge of rules that had kept out many non-citizens and irritated allies in Europe and...
By Sara Reardon Throughout the pandemic, the anti-parasite drug ivermectin has attracted much attention, particularly in Latin America, as a potential way to treat COVID-19. But scientists say that recent, shocking revelations of widespread flaws in the data of a preprint study reporting that the medication greatly reduces COVID-19 deaths dampens ivermectin’s promise — and...
By Karla Johnson Covid-19 has now killed about as many Americans as the 1918-19 Spanish flu pandemic did—approximately 675,000. The U.S. population a century ago was just one-third of what it is today, meaning the flu cut a much bigger, more lethal swath through the country. But the COVID-19 crisis is by any measure a...
As part of his plan to attack the illegal drug trade, President Guillermo Lasso is deploying thousands of military personnel in coastal cities in Guayas, Manabí, Santa Elena and Esmeraldas Provinces, as well as in Los Rios Province where the government says large-scale money laundering operations are centered. Several hundred troops are also being sent...
By Steven Petrow Soon after my 50th birthday, 10 years ago, I started keeping a list of “Things I will do/things I won’t do when I get old.” It was a highly judgmental, and super secret, accounting of all the things I thought my parents were doing wrong. My dad lied chronically about taking his...
In a suburban Denver warehouse tucked between an auto repair shop and a computer recycling business, Seth Viddal is dealing with life and death. He and one of his employees have built a “vessel” they hope will usher in a more environmentally friendly era of mortuary science that includes the natural organic reduction of human...
Interior Minister Alexandra Vela said she and President Guillermo Lasso have agreed to hold discussions with the labor leaders who organized Wednesday’s anti-government protests. On Thursday, Vela met with leaders of the United Workers Front and other labor organizations and agreed on a structure for the talks. FUT is insisting that Lasso be involved in...
Following meetings with representatives of public transportation unions, the government said it has reached an understanding for providing subsidized gasoline and diesel fuel for buses and taxis and some trucking activities. “We have reached some agreements and expect to release the final details of the program by September 27,” says Transportation Minister Marcelo Cabrera. “There...
Italian workers in both the public and private sectors must display a health pass to access their workplaces from Oct. 15 under a decree adopted Thursday by Premier Mario Draghi’s broad-based coalition government. The measures are the first by a major European economy requiring proof of vaccination, a recent negative virus test or recovery from...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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