
By Michael Stott While policymakers at the U.S. Federal Reserve conduct a drawn-out discussion over the pros and cons of starting to withdraw their multitrillion dollar pandemic stimulus, south of the border the debate is already over. Inflation is back with a vengeance and Latin American central banks are raising rates, some aggressively. Leading the...
President Guillermo Lasso said he will announce a plan this week to offer residency to the estimated 450,000 Venezuelans living in Ecuador. “The plan is to integrate the migrants into Ecuadorian society through work, educational and other opportunities,” he said. “They have suffered tremendously through no fault of their own and they deserve the right...
Claiming that they have been left out of government planning for proposed tax and labor legislation, national labor, teacher, indigenous and student unions have announced nationwide protests for Wednesday, September 15. The protests, led by the United Workers Front (FUT), National Union of Educators (UNE), the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) and the...
By Silvia Marchetti Buying an abandoned home in a tiny, depopulated Italian village is something that many travelers will have mulled over, especially given the vast number of bargain house schemes launched in the European country over the past few years. After CNN Travel reported earlier this year that Latronico, situated in the deep south...
The Cuenca Municipal Council voted Friday night to ease most Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and, for the first time in almost 18 months, allowed bars and night clubs to reopen. Among the changes approved was an increase in restaurant capacity to 75 percent, up from 50 percent and 30 percent for outdoor and indoor seating. Capacity...
By Liam Higgins Ecuador has plans to deliver clean drinking water to 98 percent of the country’s population by 2030, up from 61 percent today. Meeting the goal, however, means overcoming major challenges, according to Ecuador’s Secretary of Water Resources Humberto Cholango. “First, we must compensate for the reduced flow of water from the glaciers...
By Maureen O’Hare When this century began, you could pull up to the airport 20 minutes before a domestic flight in the United States and stroll straight over to your gate. Perhaps your partner would come through security to wave you goodbye. You might not have a photo ID in your carry-on, but you could...
The requirement that travelers to the Galapagos Islands present proof of vaccination against the Covid-19 virus has been eliminated. Beginning Saturday, September 11, entry will require only a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of arrival. The National Emergency Operations Committee (COE) said it eliminated the vaccine requirement following complaints from Galapagos Island tourism...
Although the Transportation Ministry cautioned they are “very preliminary,” two solutions have been proposed to control the landslides on the Cuenca-Molleturo-Guayaquil highway: a tunnel or a 150-meter-high cover of concrete and steel mesh over the side of the mountain. “These are proposals arrived at quickly and we are continuing to study the geotechnical, geophysical and...
Ecuador and the International Monetary Fund, IMF have reached a technical agreement that allow the disbursement of six billion U.S. dollars in loans, according to Finance Minister Simon Cueva. The accord must be approved by the IMF governing board, which is expected, but will unblock funds which have been frozen for months. The money include...
By Associated Press Tens of thousands of supporters of embattled right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro heeded his call and turned out at rallies Tuesday as he stepped up his attacks on Brazil’s Supreme Court and threatened to plunge the country into a constitutional crisis. Bolsonaro has been locked in a feud with the high court, in...
Ecuador Health Minister Ximena Garzón said Wednesday she believes the country can return to “relative normalcy” by January. “Based on our recent progress with vaccinations and the declining number of cases, I think we can see the end of the pandemic in Ecuador,” she said. To return to normal, Garzón said it was important for...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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