
By David Leonhardt Late last month, researchers in Israel released some alarming new Covid-19 data. The data showed that many Israelis who had been among the first to receive the vaccine were nonetheless catching the Covid virus. Israelis who had been vaccinated later were not getting infected as often. The study led to headlines around...
 By Conflict-torn Colombia’s economically crucial oil industry continues to labor under the pressure of an array of threats. After being severely impacted by the pandemic oil output in the Andean country fell to its lowest level in over a decade, to an average of 694,151 barrels per day during June 2021. Meanwhile, the country’s...
Cuenca’s two public hospitals are closing some of their Covid-19 intensive care units, converting them to general care, as cases of the coronavirus drop. “We are very pleased at the decline in cases and to open our wards to other patients,” says John Guamán, Chief of Critical Care at the Jose Carrasco Arteaga Social Security...
Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic in early 2020, Ecuador has lost at least a decade of progress in its battle against poverty. In its report “Covid-19, the Tragedy of the Poor,” the Donum Research Foundation reports that 35 percent of Ecuadorians now live below the poverty level while 15 percent live in extreme...
By Alejandro Chacoff In the essay “Street Haunting,” published in 1927, Virginia Woolf describes nighttime walks through London as a kind of escape from the self. A city dweller, drawn to the “irresponsibility which darkness and lamplight bestow,” takes to the street to join the “vast republican army of anonymous trampers.” Woolf goes on, “The...
Interior Minister Alexandra Vela announced Friday that Ecuador has agreed to accept up to 5,000 Afghanistan citizens under an agreement with the United States. Tens-of-thousands of Afghans are currently being evacuated by the U.S. and their European partners as the new Taliban government prepares to take control of the country. Vela said that accommodating the...
“Uncontrollable,” is how Santiago López, National Transportation Ministry district director describes the landslides that have closed the Cuenca-Molleturo-Guayaquil highway, 49 kilometers from Cuenca. “We are working in the area full-time with our technicians, geologists and heavy equipment but, so far, we do not have a solution.” The problem, says López, is that the entire mountainside...
By Glenn Greenwald In virtually every realm of public policy, Americans embrace policies which they know will kill people, sometimes large numbers of people. They do so not because they are psychopaths but because they are rational: they assess that those deaths that will inevitably result from the policies they support are worth it in...
By Steve H. Hanke In the middle of the night of June 8, El Salvador passed a law that made Bitcoin legal tender. The Bitcoin Law is the brainchild of El Salvador’s populist president, Nayib Bukele. Its most controversial feature is Article 7, which stipulates that every economic agent in El Salvador must accept Bitcoin as...
President Guillermo Lasso concluded a four-day visit to Mexico Thursday in which he received support from Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for Ecuador’s admission to the Pacific Alliance trade organization. Lasso and his staff also met with government and corporate officials to discuss expansion of free trade agreements between the two countries. Membership in...
Jueves, 26/8/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Documental y música en espacios culturales (Documentary and music in cultural spaces) – Friday a las 15:00, there will be a documentary in the Planetarium about the history of the first voyage to the moon on Apollo 11. El sábado a las 19:00, there will be a concert...
By Linda Pressly and Esperanza Escribano Squatting has a long history in Spain, often fuelled by high rates of homelessness. But there is now a darker phenomenon too — squatters who demand a “ransom” before they will leave a property. And this has led to the rise of private eviction companies, some of which use...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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