
Miércoles, 21/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Delta obligará restricciones (Delta will enforce restrictions) – See Wednesday’s article in CHL for story. Cuenca – Perduran trabas en urbanismo (Obstacles in urban planning remain) – It can take over 2 months to get the certificate of condition and urban license to build in...
By Matt Taibbi America’s burgeoning censorship movement had a great week. The White House jumped on board, with a matter-of-fact announcement that it was now helping Facebook flag “problematic posts”: “We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” the president’s press secretary wrote, unabashedly, in her Twitter account. In another ominous development, Politico reported...
Pedro Castillo has been declared president-elect of Peru, weeks after winning the popular vote in a tightly-contested run-off election. The country’s election authority announced its verdict after reviewing claims of electoral fraud by his right-wing rival, Keiko Fujimori. Castillo, a 51-year-old former school teacher and union leader, secured just over 50% of the votes. He...
Following the announcement that cases of the Covid-19 delta variant have been confirmed in Cuenca and Quito, the national Emergency Operations Committee (COE) is recommending that capacity be reduced for restaurants, stores and public transportation in the two cities. COE President Juan Zapata says indoor capacity should be lowered to 50 percent from 75 percent...
Martes, 20/7/2021 Hola, Todos – I am breaking my own rule that if it isn’t in El Mercurio, it won’t be in this column. I am looking for people who are interested in animal welfare and want to take part in a hands-on volunteer activity. The Fundación ARCA has a series of spay/neuter clinics scheduled...
By Douglas Murray Fifteen years ago, an innovation was unveiled that has probably changed our lives as much as any other this century. It was on 15 July 2006 that software developer Jack Dorsey and his team launched an online platform where text messages of 140 characters could be shared in a group; six days...
The demand for Covid-19 vaccines prompted by the arrival of the delta variant has made Ecuador number one in the world per capita in vaccines given each day. The surge began last week with the Health Ministry’s announcement that the delta variant had been found in at least two southern provinces. According to the Our...
Lunes, 19/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Carapaz, histórico – Richard Carapaz, the “Locomotora del Carchi,” took 3d place in the Tour de France and started his trip to the Tokyo Olympics. See Monday’s article in CHL for the story. Cuenca – Weekly schedule for Phase 3: Menor Contagio (1st or 2nd...
Vice President Alfredo Borrero announced Monday that the government will begin closing pharmacies in Social Security (IESS) and public hospitals and that private and municipal pharmacies will take over medicine distribution for hospital clients. “We are beginning the process of removing the pharmacies from public hospitals, shifting medication fulfillment to private pharmacies and those operated...
By Bret Weinstein The world began to end on 12th May 2024, though another 309 years would pass before our species finally went extinct. The apocalypse was not the result of one thing, unless that one thing was that we repeatedly ignored signs that industrial civilisation had become increasingly fragile, even as it grew ever...
By Lori Hinnart, Maria Cheng and Aniruddha Ghosal No one disputes that the world is unfair. But no one expected a vaccine gap between the global rich and poor that was this bad, this far into the pandemic. Inequity is everywhere: Inoculations go begging in the United States while Haiti, a short plane ride away,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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