
By John Keeble I think I might have egg and bacon for breakfast tomorrow – I know it will be completely vegan and cruelty free. Actually, I probably won’t … just the thought of it puts me off even though I know it is animal-free. Animal-free? How can that be? Ah, well, that is part...
President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in Guayaquil and El Oro Province Wednesday morning in an effort to contain the spread of the delta variant of the Covid-19 virus. The action is based on the recommendation by the national Emergency Operations Committee (COE). Lasso said he regretted limiting human mobility and some business...
Following the announcement that the Covid-19 delta variant has entered Ecuador, the country’s two largest medical organizations are demanding that the government declare a new national health emergency. Among the measures the Guayas and Pichincha Medical Colleges recommend are restrictions on travel, including incoming international flights, strict curfews, weekend lockdowns and a ban on liquor...
Martes, 13/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Trabajos colaborativos unen a artistas locales (Collaborative works unite local artists) – During the confinement, various designers and artisans have been working cooperatively, and have opened spaces to show and sell their work. They are also sharing their knowledge with the public at...
By Alex Berenson Do the Covid vaccines work? If so, how well? These questions are separate from the issue of whether vaccines should be mandated or their side effects. No serious person thinks masks protect their wearers, for example, but we mandated those for more than a year. But as we enter an ugly new...
Just two days after claiming that no cases of the Covid-19 delta variant had been recorded in Ecuador, the Ministry of Health has confirmed cases and deaths in Guayas and El Oro Provinces. Minister of Health Ximena Garzón blamed the confusion on a reporting error at local ministry offices. At a Saturday press conference, the...
By Karla Sánchez Arismendi During last week’s visit of United States Ambassador Michel Fitzpatrick to Cuenca, Azuay Governor Esteban Bernal proposed creating a consular liaison office in the city. In addition to meeting with the governor, Fitzpatrick attended the opening of the EducationUSA Student Advisory Center at the Abraham Lincoln Center on Presidente Borrero, an...
Lunes, 12/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Quieren potenciar sistema de peaje (They want to upgrade toll systems) – Cuenca – Dispositiva ayuda a peatones y ciclistas (Device helps pedestrians and cyclists) – Two university students have invented a device that has been installed at the crosswalk on av. Solano y av....
All health care workers in France must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by September or risk not being paid, the government has announced. The requirement applies to doctors, nurses, office staff and volunteers. President Emmanuel Macron has also said that from next month, vaccine health passes will need to be shown to access places like...
Ecuador’s plan to vaccinate nine million residents against the Covid-19 virus by September is turning its attention to the country’s tourism sector. The Ministry of Health says it has inoculated 35,000 tourism industry workers in Quito, Cuenca and Guayaquil in the last two weeks, adding that the program will extend to other areas of the...
Tourists are returning to the Galapagos and one reason may be that all of the islands’ 25,000 residents over the age of 16 are vaccinated. Ecuador Health Minister Ximena Garzón calls the Galapagos’ vaccination campaign a “fabulous success.” The Governing Council of the Galapagos said it met little resistance in its vaccination efforts. “Everyone here...
Beginning Thursday, passengers arriving in Ecuador at the Quito and Guayaquil international airports must show a negative PCR test or proof of vaccination completed 14 days earlier. Results of an antigen test will no longer be accepted, the national Emergency Operations Committee decided Friday. The COE also stiffened requirements for those arriving from Brazil and...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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