
Jueves, 8/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Lo siento. I finished writing this around 10 Thusday night and I forgot to send it. So better late than never. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Programa de formación (Training program) – The Asociación Nacional de Diseñadores Escénicos de Chile and the Museo de Arte Moderno de Cuenca...
By Lance Brashear Visitors arriving in Ecuador are often amazed at the country’s wild and exotic fruit. Both strange and delicious, many varieties bear little resemblance to what they know and love back home. An example is the granadilla, cousin of the passion fruit. To eat it, one is required to break open a hard...
By Audrey Carleton Last week’s historic heatwave saw portions of the U.S. Northwest breaking all-time temperature records and gearing up for wildfire risk. The temperatures are now being attributed to an excess of 100 deaths across the region as it gears up for another week of extreme highs. The heat can feel apocalyptic, and scientists...
Ecuadorians are once again lining up for Covid-19 vaccines, reversing a three-week decline in visits to vaccines centers in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. The Ministry of Health says the increase is the result of the lower eligibility age, which is now 50, and growing fear of the more dangerous delta and lambda variants of the...
Author’s note: Time is running out for Ecuador to save its Amazon rainforests — areas which have 10,000 times the biodiversity of the Galapagos islands. Ethno-ecologist  Adam Gebb looks at the problems and possibilities in a seven-part series. This article explores how fragmentation is threatening the Amazon. By Adam Gebb Over the past 50 years,...
By Cassidy Morrison Public health experts have flagged the lambda variant of the coronavirus as one to keep an eye on as it circulates in South America and elsewhere while researchers try to determine how vaccines in the United States will measure up. The lambda variant was first identified in Peru, where it has caused...
According to investigators, the “Big Money” investment and lending scheme busted last week in Quevedo is only the tip of the iceberg. “There are dozens, probably hundreds of these pyramid and money laundering operations working around the country,” says banking regulator Gustavo Ramos. “Because people are desperate these days, more are opening up every day.”...
Miércoles, 7/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Taller de narrativa (Narrative workshop) – There will be a narrative workshop <huh? what’s that?> and a discussion on texts related to creative work given by Cuencano writer Carlos Vásconez. It will be from the 19-23/7 in the Sala de Conciertos of the...
After traveling to Miami for their own Covid-19 vaccines, many Ecuadorian parents are now going back with their children. “My wife and I had our shots in Florida in April and since most of the side-effects happen in the first two months, we wanted to wait and see if they were safe for our boys,”...
By Stephen Vargha The only rum cellar in Ecuador remains a bit of a secret in the country despite being around for almost seven decades. And for those who consume San Miguel rum, many of them do not know it is made right here in Cuenca. “We produce the finest rums,” exclaims Renata García of...
Martes, 6/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – 35 filmes sobre derechos y terror trae Festival de Cine (Film Festival brings 35 films about rights and terror) – In spite of limitations imposed by the health emergency, the Festival Internacional de Cine de Cuenca will return this year with the 19th...
The Venezuelan socialist regime announced that it would remove up to six zeros from the Venezuelan bolivar, its legal tender, to simplify daily transactions. This would be the third time that the Venezuelan Central Bank decides to remove zeros from the national currency in order to face the rampant inflation that has been consuming the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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