
By Rishi Iyengar Over the last year, the worldwide web has started to look less worldwide. Europe is floating regulation that could impose temporary bans on US tech companies that violate its laws. The United States was on the verge of banning TikTok and WeChat, though the new Biden administration is rethinking that move. India,...
Road blocks were erected early Monday morning in Cañar and Azuay Provinces, stopping traffic on highway E35, Ecuador’s major north-south thoroughfare. The Provincial Union of the Cañaris defied the national indigenous organization, Conaie, with which it is affiliated, to shut down the highway near Azogues. Conaie opposes the national strike called by Ecuarunari, which is...
The La Niña weather phenomenon typically brings dryer weather to Ecuador but not always. “What we usually expect from La Niña are cooler temperatures and reduced rainfall,” says Gabriel Contreras of the National Institute of Meteorology. “The cooler temperatures are easy to predict because of the strong trade winds coming off the colder water of...
Police fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters Friday night in Quito as the National Elections Council rejected most of the challenges presented by Yaku Pérez and his Pachakutik party to the February 7 election result. Of Pérez’s 27,000 voting station challenges, the CNE agreed to recount only 31. Following the CNE decision,...
Former Minister of the Interior José Serrano says there is no excuse for the lack of preparation for the prison riots that left 80 dead in Cuenca, Guayaquil and Latacunga on Tuesday. “SNAI [the prison management office] had received more than 40 alerts that trouble was coming and gangs were about to go to war,”...
By Jeremiah Reardon My wife Belinda and I watched the New Year fireworks set off in Cuenca, shifting from our apartment’s kitchen terrace to the living room window. Like other recent city events since the pandemic lockdown in March, the fireworks felt diminished. The display went on for half the time of last year’s, equally...
The Ecuadorian government said Thursday it had negotiated the purchase of two million doses of Covid-19 vaccines from the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac, which would allow authorities to start a mass inoculation process in the coming weeks. The announcement came less than 12 hours before Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos resigned from his position in...
As the bodies of the dead were identified Thursday in Cuenca, the prosecutor’s office began reviewing evidence to determine who was responsible for Tuesday’s massacre at the Turi prison and three other prisons in Guayaquil and Latacunga. Included in the evidence are at least 15 videos of the Turi killings posted on social media. “Fortunately...
Jueves, 25/2/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – MMAM hace un guiño a su pasado (MMAM gives a wink to its past) – The Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno has organized two shows to celebrate its 40 years as a museum. It opened in 1981 in one of the oldest houses...
By Andrew Rosati Latin America and the Caribbean, the region where the coronavirus outbreak caused the worst economic destruction and more than a quarter of the world’s deaths, is now falling victim to a slow inoculation campaign. Political fights and production bottlenecks are stymieing Brazil’s vaccination efforts. Mexico is struggling to source doses as its...
Health officials in the U.S., Great Britain and the European Union say they are amazed at the quick decline in Covid-19 cases and deaths in nursing homes following the rollout of vaccines. “This is stunning,” said Dr. Gil Morris, medical director at the Ashland Assisted Living Center in central London. “We expected a decline but...
As national officials debate the reasons for Tuesday’s riots and murders in four federal prisons, Cuenca’s mayor demanded that the most violent prisoners be transferred out of the Turi Rehabilitation Center south of the city. Other local officials, including two former mayors, supported the demand, claiming that Turi was intended for prisoners from the southern...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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