
Miércoles, 24/2/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Sinfónica con nuevo director (Symphony has a new conductor) – Augusto Carrión, the new conductor for the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca, replaces Michael Meissner, and will debut on el 26/2 a las 19:00 with a performance in the Teatro Pumapungo. The program will...
A common complaint of many Cuenca expats is the city’s lack of high quality adult assisted living options. Typical of the frustration was a recent Facebook post by Martha Simmons. “My husband and I have visited several adult care homes in Cuenca and found them inadequate for our needs,” she wrote. “We are in our...
Hundreds of Indigenous protesters rallied outside the offices of Ecuador’s electoral council in Quito, the capital, on Tuesday and Wednesday to demand a recount of this month’s presidential vote. Third-place finisher Yaku Perez, an Indigenous environmental activist, has been walking through the country to denounce what he calls the manipulation of poll statements. He arrived...
“This is a human slaughterhouse,” is how a National Police captain described the scene as he entered a high security area of Cuenca’s Turi prison following Tuesday’s riot. “It is the most terrible thing I have ever witnessed as a police officer.” According to Ecuador’s interior ministry, the number of inmates killed in gang warfare...
Martes, 23/2/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Áreas más seguras para los transeúntes (Safer areas for pedestrians) – The Municipalidad de Cuenca is testing a new area of superblocks bounded by Don Bosco, Loja, De Las Américas, e Isabel La Católica. This is the 3d test with the previous...
Army troops began entering federal prisons Tuesday afternoon in Cuenca, Guayaquil and Latacunga in an attempt to contain what the government is calling coordinated riots by criminal gangs. At 3:30 p.m. the interior ministry said at least 62 have died in the riots with 33 of the deaths occurring in Cuenca’s Turi prison, 21 in...
By the Asssociated Press It seemed like a match made in finance heaven. In 2010, China, its economy roaring and state companies looking to expand globally, set its eyes on Latin America, a region starved of capital but rich in natural resources the Asian giant lacked. The result: a record $35 billion in state-to-state loans...
The demands by the attorney general’s and state comptroller’s office to examine the computer system used in the February 7 election has set off a firestorm with the National Electoral Council (CNE) and presidential candidates. The order for the audit is the result of complaints by Pachakutik presidential candidate Yaku Pérez who claims that vote-counting...
By Sylvan Hardy According to archeologists, the first humans arrived in the Cuenca area about 10,000 years ago, setting up camp in the Chopshi cave, 18 miles east of the city. The site has yielded a bounty of arrow heads, spear points, pottery and tool shards. Ecuador´s early people were primarily nomadic, but were known...
Lunes, 22/2/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – “Dedicada a mi ex” una película ecuatoriana que triunfa en Netflix (“Dedicated to my ex”, an Ecuadorian film that triumphs on Netflix) – This film, co-produced by Touché and Dynamo, is the first Ecuadorian movie to make it onto Netflix. The comedy was...
By Alexandra Valencia Surprisingly strong support for Ecuadorian environmental presidential candidate Yaku Pérez in the February 7 election shows the country’s nascent mining industry faces growing backlash that could weaken its expansion plans. Pérez, a lawyer and indigenous activist, won nearly 20% of the votes in the first-round of the presidential election on promises that...
Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios has asked the national government to allow Cuenca to buy Covid-19 vaccines directly from the manufacturers, claiming the city is being short-changed in the number of doses it is receiving based on population. His request follows those of Guayaquil Mayor Cynthia Viteri and Quito Mayor Jorge Yunda, who have similar objections...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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