
Miércoles, 17/2/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Exigen celeridad al CNE ante conflicto electoral (Speed demanded from the CNE in the face of electoral conflict) – This article is already outdated – see Wednesday’s CHL article for story. Ocupación hotelera fue del 65% en el feriado (Hotel occupancy was...
After preparations had been made to recount presidential election votes in 17 provinces, the National Electoral Council (CNE) voted Tuesday night not to proceed with the recount and to stand by the official results of the February 7 balloting. The recount plan, agreed to on Friday by indigenous Pachakutik candidate Yaku Pérez and the conservative...
Martes, 16/2/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Improvisada “terminal” en la Remigio Crespo (Improvised “terminal” at Remigio Crespo) – According to municipal property records, there were 16 businesses on av. Av. Remigio Crespo in 2019 which offered interprovincial passenger transport in vans. The Dirección de Control Urbano shows that...
By Chris Hedges The Rev. Will Campbell was forced out of his position as director of religious life at the University of Mississippi in 1956 because of his calls for integration. He escorted Black children through a hostile mob in 1957 to integrate Little Rock’s Central High School. He was the only white person that...
Hundreds of young partygoers gathered Sunday night in the streets and on the beaches of Montañita, repeating a scene that had also played out Friday and Saturday nights. With drinks in hand, Carnaval celebrants threw cups of water and sprayed foam on each other. Outdoor speakers roared with reggaetone and rock and roll as dancers...
By Megan Janetsky While images of people lined up for long-awaited Covid-19 vaccinations spurred hope in millions across the globe, they stirred up something else in Dr. Juan Jose Velez: frustration. Velez runs the coronavirus ward in one of the biggest public hospitals in Colombia, a country with one of the highest death rates and...
Lunes, 15/2/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – ¡Deliciosos carnavales! (Delicious carnivals!) – Cuenca is celebrating Carnaval with restrictions. The COE reminded people that massive events and concentrations of large groups of people are prohibited, and there is a vehicle curfew between 23:00 & 5:00. There is still a high...
Some of Ecuador’s top medical professionals say they are worried that the country’s Covid-19 vaccination program is collapsing. “It appeared there was some progress in December and early January for arranging delivery of vaccines for the most vulnerable populations but I’m worried that these efforts are stalled,” says Pedro Iglesias, former deputy health minister. “So...
The election recount in 17 provinces begins today or tomorrow to determine whether Guillermo Lasso or Yaku Pérez will face Andrés Arauz in the April 11 presidential runoff. On Saturday, the Constitutional Court rejected Pérez’s petition for a recount of 100 percent of the votes cast in the February 7 election. Diana Atamaint, National Electoral...
By Anastasia Moloney Susana Quinonez was born and raised on an abaca tree plantation along Ecuador’s western coast where back-breaking work and extreme poverty were what passed for a normal childhood. For 16 years, Afro-Ecuadorian Quinonez labored on the estate, stripping abaca fibre from the stalks of banana trees, removing the pulp then washing and...
The National Electoral Council agreed Friday to recount 100 percent of the presidential election votes in Guayas Province and 50 percent of the votes in 16 other provinces. The agreement was reached at CNE headquarters in Quito with the approval of Guillermo Lasso and Yaku Pérez, who are competing to challenge Andrés Arauz in the...
By Stephen Vargha Cellist Yackson Sanchez feels fortunate to be in Cuenca. The Venezuelan is thrilled to be in an art-loving city but is appreciative of starting his life over in a country that is void of turmoil and massive shortages. “I am happy here. I want to stay here. Everything is calm,” Sanchez stated....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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