
By J.D. Tuccille In the panicked aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the powers-that-be dusted off wish lists of surveillance-state powers and began monitoring and tracking us in ways that affect our lives two decades later. The political turbulence of recent years, culminating in the Capitol riot on January 6, may similarly liberate the political...
By Ciara Nugent and Charlie Campell When Alex Almeida surveys his family farm in a rural corner of landlocked Paraguay, he sees mainly fields, punctuated by small houses with sheet-metal roofs and, in the distance, native lapacho trees blooming with bright yellow flowers. But despite the isolation, there’s only one place in the world the...
Ecuador’s campaign for president and National Assembly seats ends tonight but supporters of women’s, gay and environmental rights say the candidates mostly ignored their issues. “The fact that the candidates dodge major questions is no surprise and we’ve become accustomed to it,” says Quito sociologist and activist Natalia Sierra. “They are looking for votes and...
Miércoles, 3/2/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Hay más laboratorios y farmacias por Covid-19 (There are more laboratories and pharmacies due to Covid-19) – Covid-19 has generated an increase in the number of pharmacies and laboratories in the region. They are noticeable in the areas around hospitals. According to...
By Molly Hodgdon To live in Vermont is to be smothered by nature’s beauty on a daily basis. Everywhere you look is another peaceful pond, another shimmering lake or emerald hill or misty field graced by a family of grazing deer. It’s almost obnoxious, like that one friend you have who’s so pretty, funny, smart...
Martes, 2/2/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – No hay nada. <Have yourselves another boring day with nothing to do.> Otras cosas – Titular – Transportistas vuelven a protestar (Carriers protest again) – Yesterday, for the 2nd time in 2 months, the organizations of the 7 types of public transport in Azuay protested. The protest was...
You run into them at the entrances to restaurants, office buildings, grocery stores, airports, gyms and beauty salons and most of us submit to them without a second thought. They are the infrared temperature-taking devices, or guns, designed to keep those infected with Covid-19 virus from entering. The problem, according to experts, is that they...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced stricter restrictions on travelers in response to new, likely more contagious variants of the novel coronavirus — including making it mandatory for travelers to quarantine in a hotel at their own expense when they arrive in Canada and suspending airline service to Mexico and all Caribbean destinations until April...
Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine was 91.6 percent effective in an interim analysis of a phase 3 clinical trial published Tuesday. For severe cases, researchers say the vaccine was 100 percent effective. The strong results from a clinical trial in Russia, published by the British medical journal The Lancet, indicate that another safe and effective...
As Ecuador’s National Assembly moves forward in its effort to fire Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos, some experts warn that his removal could delay the country’s vaccine program by several months and result in more loss of life. The Assembly is demanding that President Lenin Moreno sack Zevallos because he delivered several doses of Ecuador’s...
Lunes, 1/2/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Abren convocatoria a la Fiesta de Música (Open call for the Fiesta de Música) – The Alianza Francesa which has produced the Fiesta de Música for 25 years is asking for musicians, designers, photographers, and audiovisual producers for this year’s Fiesta which is scheduled for 18 & 19/6....
By Peter S. Goodman In monopolizing the supply of vaccines against Covid-19, wealthy nations are threatening more than a humanitarian catastrophe: The resulting economic devastation will hit affluent countries nearly as hard as those in the developing world. This is the crucial takeaway from an academic study to be released on Monday. In the most...

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Fund Grace News

The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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