
In addition to the strengthening mask-wearing requirements on airlines and in airports, the newly installed U.S. government of President Joe Biden announced this week that it will require all travelers arriving in the country to quarantine for at least seven days. The government said the quarantine will depend on cooperation from travelers but will include...
The World Health Organization said on Friday it had reached an agreement with Pfizer/BioNTech for 40 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine and should be able to start delivering vaccines to poor and lower-middle income countries next month under its COVAX program. COVAX, led by the WHO and the GAVI vaccine alliance, signed deals for...
Jueves, 21/1/2021 Hola, Todos – The article yesterday about the closure of the chifa did not name the chifa, and the health inspector I talked to was in the U.S. By law, businesses under legal investigation or penalized for local violations cannot be named by the media. <If your favorite chifa is closed for cleaning...
Americans are hitting the road again. But they’re not traveling to Chicago on business or to Las Vegas and Disney World for vacations. They’re going in search of vaccines. Frustrated by crashing appointment websites, shortages of Covid-19 shots and a patchwork of confusing eligibility rules, people with time and money are heading out of town in...
By Jan Walter Two out of three Latino votes went to Joe Biden in the presidential election. This is not the only reason why expectations of Joe Biden are high, however. As Barack Obama’s vice president, Biden was the main emissary to Latin America, and in the early days of the US presidential campaign he made it...
At the midway point, Ecuador’s 2021 presidential campaign is being panned by political analysts. In particular, they say that the debates of the last two weekends offered voters little useful information for making a decision on election day, February 7. “The next president will make a sharp turn to the political right or left and...
Miércoles, 20/1/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Catálogo con productos del Azuay (Catalog with Azuay products) – MIES has published “Nosotras emprendemos,” a digital catalogue for women entrepreneurs who have gotten Crédito de Desarrollo Humano. <Online shopping qualifies as an activity, sí?> Get the catalogue at The catalogue has...
By Stephanie Reiss About a year ago, I lost my taste for coffee and started drinking tea. So, I was intrigued when I learned about a particular leaf called ilex guayusa, which is brewed into a potent tea. This tea doesn’t come from India, China, or Japan. Instead, it has been brewed for centuries by...
Martes, 91/1/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Ingenieros alistan foro sobre consulta minera (Engineers prepare forum on mining consultation) – The Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles del Azuay (CECA) will hold a virtual forum el viernes a las 19:30 on the questions in the mining referendum. The goal is to inform...
Editor’s note: The riot at the U.S. Capitol two weeks ago has ignited a debate about the role of major social media platforms as purveyors of news and other information, much of it proven to be false and incendiary. The debate focuses on social media’s special exemption from responsibility for its content granted by Section...
By Liam Higgins Ecuadorians living on the country’s north coast were reminded once again last week that they live in the seismically active zone known as the “ring of fire” that encircles the Pacific Ocean. Over an eight-day period, more than 100 earthquakes were recorded, several of them approaching a magnitude of five on the...
The Emergency Management Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) is recommending that governments not require travelers entering their countries to provide proof of Covid-19 vaccines until more data about the vaccine’s effectiveness and the number of people vaccinated is available. Several governments, including at least three in the European Union, said they are considering...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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Amazon eco lodge News