
Ecuador Health Juan Carlos Zevallos said Sunday that he does not expect to see a surge in Covid-19 cases like those being experienced in the U.S. and Europe. “The numbers of new cases increased last week but it was not the kind of spike we are seeing elsewhere, including in our neighboring countries,” he said....
Lunes, 18/1/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada Otras cosas – Titular – Semana inicia con mira en vacunación (Week starts with a view to vaccination) – The first 15,000 doses of Covid vaccines will arrive in the country this week and vaccinations will start. Similar numbers will arrive each week until the first 68,000...
By Shivani Vora On Sunday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that, as of Tuesday, January 26, all air passengers ages two and older must show proof of a negative Covid-19 test to enter the United States. The new rule includes U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents as well as foreign travelers....
By Holly Ellyatt The head of the World Health Organization said Monday the equitable distribution of coronavirus vaccines is at “serious risk.” Warning of a “catastrophic moral failure,” WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said “the recent emergence of rapidly-spreading variants makes the rapid and equitable rollout of vaccines all the more important.” But he added that this...
2020 was devastating for Cuenca businesses and although there is cautious optimism for 2021, owners and managers say significant recovery depends on the pandemic. “In September and October last year, we had good feelings for 2021 but some of those have faded,” says Fernando Romero, president of the Azuay Chamber of Small Industry. “The cases...
Sábado, 16/1/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Vanegas y Hermida a II vuelta (2nd round for Vanegas y Hermida) – Elections for rector of the U. of Cuenca will go to a 2nd round of voting between Pablo Vanegas and María Augusta Hermida on el 27/1. 90,000 estudiantes dejaron...
Pablo Escobar’s hippos are taking over the marshlands of Colombia — and need to face the same fate as their late owner before they become impossible to control, scientists have warned. The so-called “cocaine hippos” were illegally imported to the country by the notorious drug lord, who was shot dead by authorities in 1993, according...
History clearly documents that hysterical diatribe and Frankenstein mobs hoisting flag-draped pitchforks are not essential elements for improving society. It does, however, recount the litany of tragedies triggered by frenzied scrum intent on violent change. Consider Germany in 1938, when decisions made on Kristallnacht led to the bestial horrors that set the course of modern...
Norway has expressed increasing concern about the safety of the Pfizer Inc. vaccine on elderly people. especially those with serious underlying health conditions, after raising their estimate of the number who died after receiving inoculations to 29. The latest figure adds six to the number of known fatalities in Norway, and also lowers the age...
The Geophysical Institute says 16 earthquakes recorded over the last 24 hours off the northwestern coast are part of a naturally occurring process of “continental plate adjustment” and do not necessary mean a large quake is imminent. Widely felt in the coastal region, the tremblors have all been off-shore except for one near Portoviejo at...
Viernes,15/1/2021 Hello everyone – Activities – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Piden restablecer línea 100 de buses (Request to restore bus line 100) – 1,000 residents of Baños and Ricaurte answered a survey given to bus and tranvía riders. They want the 100 buses back, and if that cannot be done, they want a...
By Julia Ries Scientists have learned a ton about COVID-19 in record time, but there are still a lot of uncertainties about the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes. One of those mysteries is “long-haul COVID”: People get COVID-19, recover, then experience lingering symptoms for months. Because COVID-19 has only been around for a...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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