
By Marc Silver When an armed mob stormed the U.S. Capitol and took over the building last Wednesday, many Americans said that’s what happens in “Third World” countries. TV journalists and pundits said it. As did people on social media. Everyone knows what they meant — countries that are poor, where health care systems are...
Jueves, 14/12/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – La gente ‘busca’ al virus (People ‘search’ for the virus) – Returning to the “semáforo rojo” (red stoplight – your phrase for the day in case you’ve forgotten or recently arrived in Ecuador) is an impossibility since the Corte Constitucional declared the...
By Jan Dynes Four years ago, December 2016, I was in Urfa, Turkey. 112 miles from Aleppo, Syria to give aid, volunteering in the Syrian refugee camp. It was my first war zone. I cannot unsee what I saw there, it rocked me to my core, showed me that my tough times were nothing in...
Travelers from 14 Latin American counties, including Ecuador, will be banned from arriving in the UK from Friday morning as a precautionary measure aimed at preventing the new Brazilian Covid variant from reaching the country, the government has announced. The ban also applies to travelers from Portugal due to its close links to Brazil. In...
By Clive Cookson People who have already contracted coronavirus are as protected against reinfection as those who have received the best Covid-19 vaccines, according to a survey of 20,000 UK healthcare workers, the largest study in the world so far. Public Health England regularly tested two matched groups of volunteers between June and November —...
There are currently no plans for a nationwide lockdown similar to the one imposed in March and April, according Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos. “This is definitely not the time for it since the ultimate impact of the new Covid variants is strictly speculation at this point,” he said. “The Constitutional Court made it clear...
By Karl Sweetman Any long-term reader of the CuencaHighLife comments section will testify that the tone of those posts has grown noticeably more vitriolic and vituperative over the past few years, especially when the topic involves U.S.politics or culture. This phenomenon is not unique to CHL; the comments sections of virtually all U.S. publications have...
Miércoles, 13/1/2020 Hola, Todos – Looks like 2021 is going to be just as crappy as 2020. I lost internet service on Monday <and no, it wasn’t an unpaid bill>, called the provider, and the technicians came today. Now I have a new router to go with the new hard drive and new operating system....
Five people were killed and another four were injured Tuesday night in an accident near Latacunga involving a Cuenca-based van. Police report that the passenger van collided head-on with a dump truck and that the truck driver had been drinking. Following the initial collision, a second vehicle was also hit. The van, operated by Pazhuca...
By Julia Buckley As pandemic quarantines go, this might be the best: sprawling on a hotel balcony overlooking azure Caribbean waters as you bake gently in the sun. But it isn’t enough for some. The past month has seen a slew of high-profile cases of tourists getting in trouble for breaking the rules while on...
The U.S. will soon require airline passengers to prove they recently tested negative for Covid-19 before flying to the country, according to people briefed on the plan. The measure, which aims to curb the spread of the disease, comes as new cases hit records. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s requirement for negative Covid...
The central government is asking local Emergency Operations Committees to intensify efforts to control a predicted surge of new Covid-19 cases. “The reason for our new call is to avoid excess demand on hospital capacity,” says Minister of Health Juan Carlos Zevallos. “With the arrival of the new mutation of Covid-19 from Great Britain and...

Dani News

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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