Energy Minister Andrea Arrobo announced Friday that electric power blackouts have been suspended until January 15 and could be extended further depending on weather conditions. Previously, the Ministry had planned to resume blackouts on January 2. Arrobo said recent rainfall in the inter-mountain valley and the Eastern slope of the Andes prompted the change of...
By Andrea Rodriguez The Cuban government said Friday it will have to either increase prices for fuel and electricity or reduce rations for basic supplies. President Miguel Díaz-Canel said such difficult measures were needed for difficult times, after the minister of the economy said Cuba’s economy contracted between 1% and 2% this year, and inflation ran...
The National Assembly on Thursday voted to modify constitutional language to authorize the Armed Forces to assist police in some law enforcement functions. According to Assembly leadership, the vote is a temporary measure contingent on passage of a national referendum question within 45 days. Former president Guillermo Lasso had asked for similar authority last year,...
For the first time since development began, the El Niño weather system in the Pacific Ocean is showing signs of weakening, according to the director of Ecuador’s Naval Oceanography and Meteorology Institute (Inocar). “In recent weeks, there has been a shift in the position of the South Pacific Anticyclone, which has changed the dynamics of...
Cuenca’s four rivers were flowing at normal levels Sunday night following two days of rain. “The rivers are temporarily replenished and the city’s drinking water reservoirs have refilled,” the municipal drinking water authority, ETAPA, reports. ETAPA’s hydrometeorological office said that Cuenca’s two largest rivers, the Tomebamba and Yanuncay were showing flow levels of 7.9 and...
Viernes, 15/12/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – “Expresiones e historias de vida” en exposición (An exhibit, “Expressions and stories of life”) – There is a show at the Museo de los >Metals to promote and visualize the creativity of people with neurodegenerative conditions. The goal of the show is to see the abilities of people...
The presidents of Venezuela and Guyana pledged after direct talks on Thursday not to resort to force to settle a long-simmering — and recently reheated — territorial dispute over the oil-rich Essequibo region, a joint statement said. Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Guyana’s Irfaan Ali shook hands after a two-hour meeting on the Caribbean island nation...
The day before Ecuadorians face an extra hour of electric blackouts, Energy Minister Andrea Arrobo announced she has signed an agreement with Colombia to maintain the transfer of electricity to Ecuador at a reduced cost. Saying she would provide full details when she returns to Quito, Arrobo said Thursday that confusion over verbal agreements reached...
Thirty people were arrested Wednesday night and early Thursday, including Wilman Terán, president of Ecuador’s Judiciary Council. Other arrests included the former head of the country’s prison system, prison guards, prosecutors, police officers, judges and a retired general. Called Operation Metastasis by the Attorney General’s office, suspects believed to have protected drug gangs and cartels...
The Andean Community Commission (CAN), made up of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, is moving forward with a plan to interconnect their respective electrical grids. The project takes on new urgency as electric providers in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia have been forced to impose electrical blackouts in recent months due severe drought. Ecuador, Colombia and...
While recent rains have boosted electric generation at the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant on the Rio Coca, drought conditions to the south continue to restrict production at the Rio Paute facilities. “Although we are operating at 75% to 80% of capacity at Coca Codo, low water conditions keep generation on the Rio Paute below...
By Stephanie Vermillion “We know more about the moon than we do the Amazon forest canopy,” says National Geographic Explorer Meg Lowman, executive director of the TREE Foundation. Forest crown science is in its infancy. Canopy analyses began four decades ago when pioneers like Lowman used ropes and harnesses to reach the near impenetrable dome...