Florida flights suspended, Largest forest preserve dedicated, Mining continues, Cuy festival, Coopera payouts, Rock out in Cuenca

Sep 9, 2017 | 0 comments

Viernes, 8/9/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Cuentos y poesía (Stories and poetry) – “Pancho” Aguirre and Fidel Román will share stories and poetry from around the world hoy a las 20:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco” in the CCE. Cost: $10.00. <And after you’ve spent all that money, it will still be in Spanish, so if you understand 10 words of it, it would cost you $1/word.>

Articles about –

“La Otra Orilla” – This literary event and the Feria Internacional del Libro are in the lobby of the Museo Antropológico y de Arte Contemporáneo (MAAC) in Guayaquil. <You don’t need to remember this abbreviation since it’s not in Cuenca.> Publishers including “cartoneras” <Google it for more info. If you like books and reading, it’s worth looking up.>, independent, and artesanal houses are exhibiting at the book fair.

Interview – Salvadoreño poet Janathan Velásquez, founder of “Pirata Cartonera” (Pirate Cartonera) was interviewed. He said that his books are copyleft where they can be copied freely. He sees a book not as an object of commercialization, but a transport medium for ideas. The books themselves are hand made on a common press. <The recycled cardboard they’re made of is acidic so the books self destruct at about 10 years. This is a hobby for you collectors. You can collect cartonera titles. And in 10 years, your shelves will be free for collecting something else.>

“Ninacuro” – This editorial cartonera (cartonera publishing house) is from Cuenca and was created by a group of young writers 7 years ago.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Explotación en Río Blanco es irreversible (Exploitation in Rio Blanco is irreversible) – The Minister of Mining explained that the instructions from Pres. Morena are to not stop the mining industry. The minister said that the mines have guidelines and environmental standards to follow. At this point, the Río Blanco mine in Molleturo is irreversible. It has already entered the exploitive phase although gold production will not start until the first few months of 2018. It currently employs 120 workers which will increase to 350. It’s been over a year since a more extensive study on aquifers by the U. of Cuenca was supposed to start. The interviewer pointed out that the researchers have not been allowed into the concesssion areas.

Road work stoppage – The stabilization of Tamuga hill in the La Josefina sector has been stopped for the last 40 days because of lack of rocky material. The material was claimed by other public works projects.

Forest conservation – Pres. Moreno made the Programa Integral Amazónico de Conservación de Bosques y Producción Sostenible (Integral Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production) official. The $53.6 million funding was from the Fondo Verde para el Clima and the Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (Green Climate Fund (FVC) and the Global Environment Fund). The goal is to reduce deforestation in the region which contains 74% of the natural forests in the country. The program is contemplating including over 2 million hectares of forests to be preserved intact. Other goals include human goals of improving agricultural productivity, minimizing environmental impacts and reducing poverty.

Flight suspensions – American Airlines and JetBlue have suspended flights from Quito to Miami and Fort Lauderdale starting yesterday until domingo.

Air transport pact – Canada and Ecuador have signed an agreement for air transport between the two countries. The agreement should decrease the costs of passenger and cargo transport, have a positive effect on Ecuadorian exports <Those Canadians just can’t do without Ecuadorian seafood or roses, eh?>, and attract foreign investment.

Phone service interruption – TVCable announced an interruption in phone service for 16/9 from midnight hasta 6:00 am in the sectors of Paraíso, Tomebamba, La Prensa, Gapal, Totoracocha, Andalucía, Ucubamba, Capulispamba y Paucarbamba to replace fiber optic cable on Route # from Carlos Rigoberto Veintimilla hasta Av. 12 de Abril. Dial 600 01 00 for more info. <I hope none of you have to do business over the phone with China that day.>

Coopera – The 7th phase of payments is ending on 28/9/2017. If you haven’t made a claim for your deposits, go to the Cooperativa Coopera Ltda. en Liquidación in the Edificio el Otorongo (Av. 3 de Noviembre y Juan Pablo I). Bring notarized color copies of your passbook or Cerificate of Deposit; your passport or cédula; and if you’re designating someone to go for you, an authorization.

Cuy festival – There will be El Festival del Cuy this sábado y domingo in Quingue which is celebrating its 165 years as a parish. Activities include a parade and crafts and food in the central plaza.

Amenidades –

Agenda Items –

Jhonny Lexus – The singer will perform at the discoteca Dubai in Azogues el sábado.

Noche de Trova y Bohemia – Noche de viernes (Friday night) in the Lirón Lirón Bar Restaurante (Gran Colombia 9-41 y Benigno Malo) will feature trova and bohemia <genre of romantic music>. There will also be happy hour until 22:00 with 3×2 drinks.

National Tour – The group General Villamil will perform pure rock and roll hoy in República Sur (Pres. Córcova 5-55 between Mariano Cueva y Hermano Miguel). Cost: $7.00.

Rock in Cuenca – There will be a show mañana a las 15:00 in Vieja Diablos (Calle Larga y Hermano Miguel 5-53) with the bands Xarcasmo, Smoking, Blues and Random Arcada.

Movies – as usual, go to www.multicines.com.ec for show times and locations. All the movies this week are in 2D. The following movies open this week.

Norman – Sub.
Viaje de chicas – Esp. y Sub.
Chuquiragua – Esp.

The following movies are continuing. All are in Esp.

Planete de los simios guerra
Terror profundo
Locos por las nueces
Emoji la película
La torre oscura
Capitán calzoncillos (underpants/briefs/shorts – your word for the day)

Internacional –

Venezuela – Pres. Maduro proposed to the Asamblea Nacional Constituyente that governors who win in the October elections and who don’t submit to the mandates of the administration be immediately impeached. <Gentle readers, may I show you a dictatorship?>

Spain – The Iberoamerican Secretary General, Rebeca Grynspan, denounced the decision of the US president to end the DACA program. The program allowed young people who came in as children, many before they were 6 and who grew up in the US, to study, work, get driving licenses and travel legally without the fear of deportation. Kids eligible for the program also had to be “model” children, stay out of trouble and either work, serve in the military or attend school.

Discuentos y compras –

Transformers: Festival of the Comics – This show will be in Cuenca for 2 days: sábado, 16/9 with shows at 16:00, 18:00 and 20:00 and on domingo, 17/9 with shows at 11:30, 14:00 and 16:00 at the Teatro Pumapungo. Tickets available at the theater box office with a 20% discount before 15/9.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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The Cuenca Dispatch

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