Erosion threatens biggest power plant; Prison state of emergency ends; Fireworks explosion kills one, injures another; Cell roaming charges eliminated

Dec 30, 2021 | 9 comments

Miércoles, 29/12/2021

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Obras estudiantiles en primer Festival de Cine de Naranjal (Student works in first Naranjal Film Festival) – The first International Student Film Festival started yesterday and will continue until 30/12 with short films by 3d level film students in universities in Colombia, Argentina, the US, Chile, Cuba and Ecuador. The films are available for free at

Titular –

Tránsito durante el día por el k49 (Daytime traffic along K49) – See Wedesday’s CHL article for story.

Cuenca –

Cuenca firefighters are checking for land subsidence due to mining activity under the town of Zaruma.

Alcalde decidirá continuidad de directores (Mayor to decide continuity of directors) – Mayor Pablo Palacios asked for the resignations of his department heads after the 3 de noviembre fiestas in order to review their reports. For now, he has not made any changes. Officials who are department or sub-department heads serve at the will of the Mayor who can appoint or remove them from office in any moment or situation. Managers of the public companies <Those alphabet companies with EP (Empresa Pública) at the end like ETAPA EP or EMAC EP> are appointed by the Board of Directors which is chaired by the Mayor after presentation of a terna (a slate of 3 names).

Monitorean movimientos de estructuras (Movements of structures monitored) – Members of the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team of the Cuenca Firefighters started monitoring the movement of structures near the sinkhole in the center of Zaruma. This unit specializing in urban search and rescue went to Zaruma to support the Fuerzas Armadas (FF.AA. – Armed Forces). They are using SENTRY equipment which uses a laser that can detect movement as small as 2 millimeters from a distance of 50 meters. The Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) is analyzing repowering the Humberto Molina hospital so patients can be treated. The FF.AA., Policía Nacional and other control entities are intensifying operations to close illegal mines which caused the sinkhole. <I wonder if there are gadgets sensitive enough to detect someone working underground. MIning has got to involve some amount of hammering and moving material around, no?>

Se suspendió el vuelo de Cuenca a Guayaqul (Flight from Cuenca to Guayaquil suspended) – Aeroregional cancelled yesterday’s flight between Cuenca and Guayaquil. No official reason was given, but it was probably due to an insufficient number of passengers. The flight for el 4/1/2022 is still scheduled with departure from Guayaquil at 15:00, arrival in Cuenca at 15:30 and a turnaround leaving Cuenca at 16:00 and arriving in Guayaquil at 16:30. <This sounds like it was a test to see if permanent service between Guayaquil and Cuenca would be profitable. Apparently not.>

Sucesos –

Mujer muere por explosión en taller de juegos pirotécnicos (Woman dies in explosion at fireworks workshop) – A 35 year old woman was killed instantly and another received burns over 80% of her body in an explosion in a fireworks workshop in the El Cabo parish in Paute. Paute’s mayor said that the area has fireworks workshops that are permitted, but that nothing is free from an accident.

Precauciones para fiestas de fin de año (Precautions for New Year’s Eve parties) – Authorities are asking citizens to use fireworks responsibly. Take basic measures in handling them and comply with the instructions for use. <You mean that local fireworks come with instructions?> Children should not handle them, you should not put them in your pockets, and don’t manipulate them while they are lit. <Like beans and pebbles, you shouldn’t put them in your ears or nose or mouth either.>

Nacional –

Las cárceles sequirán bajo control de Ejército y Policía (Prisons will be placed under Army and Police control) – The state of emergency in the prisons has not been extended. The military and police presence in the exterior perimeters of the prisons will continue. Ministra de Gobierno, Alexandra Vela, listed several requirements before the State retakes control of the prisons. <Control from whom? The military and national police or from the gangs?> Authorities recognize that one of the main problems is overcrowding. Prisoners are not receiving early release for good behavior after serving 60% of their sentences.

Comienzan obras para proteger central Coca Codo Sinclair (Work begins to protect Coca Codo Sinclair power plant) – The regressive erosion of the río Coca is threatening the main hydroelectric power plant in the country. Since 5 months ago, the erosion has come to 7.9 km. from the intake for the plant; the river has widened and ruptured the Sistema de Oleoducto Transecuatoriano (SOTE – Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System); and part of the vía Baeza-Lago Agrio has been lost. CELE has signed a $12,095,000 contract with Accyem that will divert the erosion around to a controlled flow. Accyem will build cofferdams to divert the river so that rigid panels can be installed closer to the plant, and then restore the flow to where the river will be controlled. <I’m afraid that it will be like km. 49. La Pachamama controls the river and human efforts will probably fall short.>

El “roaming” desaparece dentro de la CAN (Roaming” disappears within the CAN) – Roaming charges will disappear as of 1/1/2022 within the Comunidad Andina (CAN) which includes the 4 countries of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. This will benefit 111 million people. This decision means that a citizen of any of these countries who is traveling to another CAN country, will have the same conditions and rates as in their home countries for voice, SMS and data service.

Negocios –

Horarios de atención en bancos por fin de año (New Year’s Eve bank opening hours) – Banks will have different hours el viernes, 31/12. The infomation as to which branches will be open, will be on official channels. On line and mobile banking and ATMs will be available 24 hours. Shopping centers and super markets will also have different hours. Stores at the Mall del Río will be open from 10-20:00 and the food court from 10-22:00 until 30/12. On 31/12, stores will be open from 10-19:00 and the food court from 10-21:00. SuperMaxi hours will be normal until jueves, 30/12 and it will be open to 19:00 on 31/12. It will be closed on el sábado 1/1 and reopen on domingo, 2/1.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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