Mayor says Cuenca is short-changed in budget; Gov’t touts more jobs, less poverty; Hot air balloon rides; Cajas highway open 24 hours; Beware of bad booze

Nov 5, 2022 | 2 comments

Viernes, 4/11/2022

Hola, Todos –

Titular –

A Gobierno se reclama por vías e inseguridad (Requests to Government for roads and security) – In his speech in the solemn session for the 202nd anniversary of the Independence of Cuenca, Mayor Pablo Palacios expressed confidence that he would be re-elected. He also questioned the National Government about the lack of public projects, especially roads, in the city; about mining near water sources; and about insecurity. He reported that Cuenca contributes $1 billion annually to the nacional erario (treasury – our word for the day) and receives only 13% of that in spite of its being a center of economic, tourist, and cultural development in the country. He highlighted accomplishments of his administration including development of land use plans and urban development, investment in the rural sector, delivery of 30 motorcyles to the National Police this month, and community alarm systems in 90% of Cuenca’s barrios.

During his Cuenca independence day speech, Mayor Pedro Palacios criticized the national government for its financial support for the city. (El Mercurio)

Esteban Bernal, current director of IESS and ex-governor of Azuay represented Pres. Lasso, telling the audience that the National Government was with the people of Cuenca in supporting the progress and well being of the city. He said the Gobierno Nacional invests $13,000,000 for social projects each year which is more than previous administrations. Bernal pointed out that 508,000 decent jobs have been created in Ecuador during Lasso’s administration, poverty has been reduced from 32% to 25% and extreme poverty from 14.7% to 10.7%. <Would the difference between poverty and extreme poverty be that it takes less time to starve to death in extreme poverty than in poverty?>

Cuenca –

Muestra de aviación y globos aerostáticos emocionan en Tarqui (Aviation show and hot air balloons thrill in Tarqui) – The 2nd Expo Aero Cuenca was held in Tarqui and included small planes taking off, flying over the Victoria de Portete, and landing; model planes; and a flight simulator for the kids. The biggest attraction, however, was a hot air balloon from Kawsay Balloons, the first company in Ecuador to offer commercial flights. This was the company’s first visit to this area. The manager, Daniel Hernández said that Tarqui has possibilities for having balloon flights because of its climate and winds. If you are interested in booking a ride, call 098 378 3742. The rides are now in the central Sierras, but the company plans to come back next year.

From El Mercurio del jueves, 4/11/2022:
Cuenca con 85% de ocupación hotelera (Cuenca with 85% hotel occupancy rate) – The hotel sector in Cuenca has registered an occupancy rate of 85%, and is expecting to reach 100% during the Independence of Cuenca celebrations. The city has 220 hotels with about 10,000 beds. This is the 2nd largest holiday behind Carnaval for tourism.

Vía habilitada por la ruta Cuenca-Molleturo (Road enabled on the Cuenca-Molleturo route) – The vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme will be open 24 hours for light vehicles during the holidays, and there is a contingency plan in case of rain or a possible landslide. <Is stay at home and don’t drive a contingency plan?> Traffic can proceed normally except at km. 7 in Sayausí where traffic will be two-way using only 1 lane. A sinkhole in the other lane is being repaired. Vehicles weighing over 7 tons should use the Cuenca-Zhud-Cochancay route.

Cuidado con alcohol adulterado (Beware of adulterated alcohol) – The police in Azuay have stepped up enforcement to avoid sales of methyl alcohol or methanol for human consumption. Methanol is used to make antifreeze, disinfectants, windshield wiper fluid, paint thinners, and other combustibles. <So if the rotgut your cheap brother-in-law serves tastes like paint thinner, pass on it.> The Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) reported that in Santo Domingo and Esmeraldas, 20 people have died and another 11 are in intensive care after drinking this alcohol. The MSP warned people to not drink alcohol without the sanitary seal, homemade alcohol, or that with a doubtful provenance. <If the jug it comes in is labeled Valvoline, that would be a tip off.> It has identified 3 liquors suspected of causing alcohol poisoning: Guanchaco, Cuanchicoco, and QuitaPenas. Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning include mareos (dizziness – another word for today), vomiting <that’s when your body is smarter than you are>, convulsions, pale or blue skin, and low body temperature. Other common effects are blindness and liver damage.

Descuentos y compras –

ETAFASHION – 72 hour fiestas de Cuenca sale – 3-6/11 – up to 50% off selected merchandise.

Centro Comercial Plaza de las Américas – Raffle for an E-JS1 electric car – 1 ticket for every $25 in purchases from 1/11 to 31/12/2022 – drawing on viernes, 6/1/2023.

Diners Club and Discover Cashback cards – a free bottle of wine with purchases over $50 in restaurants and over $150 in hotels using your card.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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