Need to renew your Certificate of Deposit? Or change the bank you have it in??


You used your Bank CD to get your Residency Visa, or maybe even for some other purpose. Many expats do, and for varying reasons as you might imagine. But now it’s time to renew it or undo it, and you’re not sure if you want to, or how to do so at that, including whether you have to get your Visa backed by something else or cancelled before you do (all kinds of variables to think about in any situation)!

That’s okay though, as Attorney Sara Chaca knows how to protect your investment and your Residency status, plus the details and know-how with respect to the necessary timing and way to do so without getting caught up in bureaucracy or problems as a result of any such failure to get it done on time or in the right way.

Email Sara today for free answers to your questions. Or schedule a complimentary office visit or phone consult with her. Remember, Attorney Sara Chaca is here to help you get the most out of your life in Ecuador.




Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)


Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Attorney Sara Chaca


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