Need a “Power of Attorney“ to handle medical issues, a property sale or financial matters?


We’ve all probably used a Power of Attorney at least once in our lives. Maybe to buy or sell real estate..No big deal, right? But how do you get one set up in Ecuador, especially for important matters (like those referenced in the title above) that may need to be handled during your absence from Ecuador?? Attorney Sara Chaca regularly assists her clients with this exact concern. See her “CuencaHighLife” published article on Ecuadorian Powers of Attorney here!:

Email Sara today for free answers to your questions. Or schedule a complimentary office visit or phone consult. Remember, Attorney Sara Chaca is here to help you get the most out of your life in Ecuador.





Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)


Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Attorney Sara Chaca


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