“Emergency Room with 3-Day Hospital Stay in Cuenca” for Attorney Sara Chaca’s 8 year-old daughter..


The following short note by Attorney Sara Chaca is with respect to a very personal matter, concerning the admittance of her 8 year-old daughter to the local Hospital in Cuenca this past week/weekend for a very serious case of Gastroenteritis.  

‘Attorney Sara Chaca in her own words..’

“Greetings to All Expats,

The reason I am sharing this information with all Expats via ‘CuencaHighLife’ (both those already here in Ecuador and those still located in their countries of origin), is so all can see, that along with the bad of any situation, always comes some good. And so, very specifically, as per my now ‘Thanks to God’ fully recovered 8 year-old daughter, the bad of course having been that ‘Hotdog from Hell’ which she ate at an off-site end of school year party (she just finished second grade here in Cuenca), whereas the good is per my equal ‘Thanks to the AMAZING Doctors and Hospital Staff in Cuenca’ for having so expertly cared for her and amazingly just charged the STANDARD (non-discounted) rate of a $779.42 GRAND TOTAL on behalf of BOTH the Emergency Room Admittance WITH 3 day (2 night) Hospital Stay along with all medications and food provided by virtue of their ASTOUNDINGLY GOOD CARE. 

As such, while NEVER could/would I EVER wish what happened to my 8 year-old daughter to happen to ANY Expat under ANY circumstances, naturally it’s true of this life for ALL of us that virtually NONE of us will escape the need for Hospitalization/Medical Care between birth and death (especially for Seniors or soon to be Seniors).  As many of my highly respected North American clients here in Cuenca have already informed me (besides their such kind understanding and lovely words with respect to my 8 year-old daughter and what consisted of her past days’ EXTREMELY necessary ‘Assisted Recovery’ per the employed Hospital/Medical professionals), that again $779.42 GRAND TOTAL would have been more like a $30,000 GRAND TOTAL (or much higher than that as in some cases potentially upwards of $77,942 or 100 fold of what it would be in Cuenca, Ecuador).  See the following digital proof for that in the pudding, per the primary healthcare website and first noted indication thereof, as published by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: https://www.healthcare.gov/why-coverage-is-important/protection-from-high-medical-costs/ 

Notwithstanding the above for EMERGENCY purposes, I’m also well aware from my once more always such respected North American clients, that even for NON-EMERGENCY reasons, it’s in North America (particularly in the U.S.), what they call, OUTRAGEOUS, for such often things as Cosmetic Surgery, Dental Work, Hip & Shoulder Replacements, etc., and MORE OF THE SAME when it’s the purely ELECTIVE (though often hard to live without) type procedures, surgery and the like.  This of course says nothing as per the so often mixed EMERGENCY, NON-EMERGENCY & ELECTIVE medical situations, such as for example, those surviving the now often almost daily type mass shooting or otherwise, such as per the most recent ones in trifecta manner that all occurred in just the past less than two weeks in Texas, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania – that now unfortunately being “old” news besides the 10 other “new” mass shootings in the U.S. that are presently being reported on CNN from this past weekend (see as follows: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/06/us/mass-shootings-weekend-list/index.html), where survivors in and of the so many afflicted children and adults alike were first rushed to their local hospitals for immediate EMERGENCY care, who thereafter have to receive secondary NON-EMERGENCY after care, and finally continuing on with the long haul ELECTIVE procedural/surgical matters related to the fallout physical & psychological effects as a result of same.

Regardless of any alternate reality ‘could’ve, should’ve and/or would’ve’, quite simply I am very grateful to ALL Expats for their SUCH wonderful patience and support (especially for appointment rescheduling purposes!) throughout these past so challenging days per it all (and not to worry going forward since my schedule is now fully back to normal!).  Without your graceful cooperation and words of kindness, it would have surely been INCALCULABLY more difficult to get through this past weekend’s SAGA with my now FINALLY once again ‘happy, healthy and heavenly 8 year-old daughter’ (by now if you’ve read this far then I’m also quite pleased to tell you that her ‘very American’ name which was bestowed upon her by my also exceedingly supportive American husband, Adam, is affectionately, ‘Autumn Amelia’)..”

As always, please feel free to call, email or visit the office of Attorney Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) so as for her to assist you with any Legal and/or Visa related matters in association with your move/stay in this, her’s and hopefully soon and even always to be that of your own, beautiful country!

Website: www.ecuadorvisas.com
Email: sara@ecuadorvisas.com
Phone: 099-296-2065 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA)
Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words “Ecuador Visas”)

Attorney Sara Chaca


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