Thinking of Moving to Ecuador? Take this Short Quiz (#60)


1. An expat needs a tooth filled. Is this a problem? What about a crown? Implants? Dentures?
2. What type of Visas are there for those wishing to live here?
3. An Expat pulls out a $100 bill for an $89 auto part. How big a deal might that be? Why?
4. How does the political scene here compare to the U.S.? Of what should an Expat be aware?
5. When bringing money into Ecuador, as is often the case with investment visas, of what should an Expat beware?

0. Strongly recommend going to
1. Probably best to go to
2. Consider going to
3. 50/50
4. You might be ok without
5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book Mas Despacio 1,000 things to consider before moving to Ecuador for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.
(For those who’ve read more than 10 quizzes, aren’t you even a little curious? It’s only $10 or $20.)

Rick Ochoa

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