Actors: Audition for ACT’s ‘The Cemetery Club’


Open Auditions for ‘The Cemetery Club’ by Ivan Menchell

A funny, sweet-tempered, moving, romantic comedy about three Jewish widows who meet once a month for tea before going to visit their husbands’ graves.

An ensemble cast. 4 females. 1 male. All late 50s to early 60s.

Lucille: The feisty embodiment of a girl who just wants to have fun.

Doris: Priggish and judgmental, she enjoys time spent with the other girls, but even more the time she spends with her husband at his gravesite.

Ida: Sweet and happy in her memories of Murray, she is in no hurry to “move on”.

Sam: A shy butcher whose deceased wife is buried in the same cemetery as the Trio’s husbands. He struggles as he attempts to move forward with his Romantic life.

Mildred: Sam’s substitute wedding guest in act 2. She is possessive and a good dancer.

Audition Information

Dates: September 18 (Mon.) and September 19 (Tues)

Times: 12:00 – 15:00 (Noon to 3pm) each day.

Location: Vega Muñoz 14-46 between Esteves de Toral and Coronel Talbot El Centro, Cuenca

Contact: Gerald Cole (director) to request a scene to read.
Email and include your name and phone number.

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