Why will city spend $3.2 million to end photo radar contract?; Lasso will maintain Yasuní oil flow ’til end of term; Conaie, Iza demand candidate promises

Sep 9, 2023 | 0 comments

Viernes, 8/9/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Agenda cultural –
9/9 a las 16:00 – Projección, Cantar con sentido – Casa de las Posadas.
13/9 a las 8:00 – Muestra, Máscaras, arte y cultura – Casa del Alfarero.
15/9 a las 20:00 – Concierto – Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca – Teatro Pumapungo.

Leonidas Iza says the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) will not support a presidential candidate who does not endorse the organization’s agenda.

Titular –

Radares: aún hay dudas por aclarar (Radars: there are still doubts to be clarified) – Doubts include the manner in which Movil Technology was hired, how the $3.2 million owed to the consortium will be paid, and the manner in which the contract was terminated. The audit commission of the Cantonal Council received and is reviewing hundreds of documents explaining why the contract was unilaterally terminated by the city. The Comptroller’s office is examining the contract between Mobil Technology and EMOV. The National Assembly Audit Committee raised the question of the cost difference for the cameras. Movil Technology offered the photo control cameras for $3 million, and the Audit Committee got its own quote for $767,920. <So is there anyone in this equation who’s now in Miami?>

Nacional –

Lasso advierte que consulta sobre Yasuní es inaplicable (Lasso warns that consultation on Yasuní is inapplicable) – Pres. Lasso met with members of Amazonian indigenous communities who are against the results of a referendum on the Yasuní. He indicated that the referendum which prohibited oil exploitation and passed with 58.95% of Ecuadorians saying “Si,” is inapplicable. He said he would take the path that the referendum is inapplicable, it isn’t possible to apply, understand that it isn’t possible, and continue to support this position. He said that in the time he has left in his term, production at Block 43 will not be stopped nor would he initiate any work to remove the machinery. <Flip flop. I wonder if the winning candidate will comply with the referendum or just study the issue until his/her term ends?>

Conaie quiere imponer su agenda política a finalistas (Conaie wants to impose its political agenda on finalists) – El Consejo Ampliado de la Confedración Indígenas (Conaie) met in Quito and decided not to support either of the presidential candidates unless the candidates embraced the agenda of Conaie. Leonidas Iza, Conaie’s president gave a deadline of the debates on 1 octubre for the candidates to say if they would comply with the demands of the organization, one of which is the suspension of all large-scale mining in indigenous territories. He also asked for information about the candidates’ policies on fuel subsidies, the possibility of forgiving debts of small and medium sized producers and prohibiting privatizations. If as of 1/10 neither of the candidates abides by the Conaie’s agenda, the organization would promote a nulo vote. He also mentioned marches and protests. <Does he still have enough influence to mobilize large scale disruptions?>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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