Domingo, 15/11/15: Photo and art exhibits, film fest, Cuban culture

Nov 16, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Música – a Latin American show at Parque De La Madre yesterday.chl jeanne logo

Exposición – of the work of Ecuardo Solá Franco at the Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno until 13/12 to commemorate 100 years since his birth.

Fotografia – “Cuenca,” a photographic exhibit by Kurt Ehrmann will be showing all month at the Alianza Francesa (Tadeo Torres y av. 12 de Abril)  (Actually, I think it´s off Solano and not 12 de Abril.)

Articles about – 

La Orquídea film festival which started yesterday.  Yesterday´s films include screenings at the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz (TCCT), Teatro Sucre (TS) an Multicines Millenium Plaza (MMP):
10 – TCCT – The Secret of Kells – (Ireland, Fance, Belgium) dubbed into Spanish, animated (?)
14 – TCCT – Cortometraje National – 5 short film.
14 – TCCT – Cortometraje Nacional – 5 more short films
15 – TS – Selkirk, el Verdadero Robinson Crusoe – (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile) – dubbed, animated (?)
16 – MMP – Vincent  – (France) – Subtitles (in Spanish – what did you expect?)
16:30 – TCCT – Atomic Heart (Iran) – Subt.
17 – TS – Rams – (Iceland) – Sub.
18:30 – MMP – El Abrazo de la Serpiente – (Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina) – Sub. (Does that mean Cuencanans don’t understand Spanish speakers from those 3 countries?  That makes me feel better.)
18:45 – TCCT – Volta a Terra  – (Portugal) – Sub.
19 – TS – Aventurera – Argentina – Esp.
20:45 – MMP – Arabian Nights – (Portugal, France, Germany, Swiss) Sub.
21:30 – TCCT – Ríemon – (Argentina, Germany, Mexico, Holland) – Esp.
21:30 – TS – Tharlo (China) – Sub.

Go to for more info including the agenda.  (I think you can push a button and translate the page.) There are also parallel activities scheduled.

Other articles about –

Music and puppets in the Calle del Artista.

A space for Cuba in Cuenca called Centro Cultural Cubano Obba Aña in Turi.  The center will promote Cuban culture and that of other Caribbean nation. Hours will be from Thu-Sat starting at 15:00.  They intend to serve typical Cuban and Caribbean food in the future.  (I hope there´s a follow up article with a location.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – La Orquídea vive fiesta de película (La Orquídea lives the film festival)  The festival opened Saturday night in the TCCT.

Dia del Panificador (National Bread Bakers’ Day is today – your word for the day. Can you see the “pan” or bread in “panificador”  and the “dor” suffix indicating the worker as in trabaja for work and trabajador for worker?)  The day is in honor of a baker who gave his life in defense of rights for the people during the term of a repressive president. Today traditional breads baked in wood ovens can be bought in the Todos Santos area.

Training future drivers – students in professional driving schools were part of an open house for La Seguridad Vial del Azuay (Road security in Azuay) in parque De La Madre. Their exams for professional licenses is 20/11. (Let´s hope they´re trained to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, to signal turns and lane changes, and to respect stoplights.  Maybe they´re young enough to learn good habits.)

Actualidades – 

Articles about –

The municipal library.

The Guardia Ciudanana (Municipal police) band.

White Sand National Monument in N. Mexico, USA.  (Wonder where that one came from?)

The Cervantes Prize was won by Fernando del Paso.

Paraguay is applying to list patrimonial sites with UNESCO including an old railroad system, long abandoned, and an area of forest.

The first official translation into Chinese of “Confieso que he vivido” (I confess that I have lived) by Pablo Neruda was presented by the the Chilean Ambassador to China.  It was in Asia that Neruda´s criticisms of colonialism and imperialism were forged.

Sunday supplement –

An ad for “Festival de la Familia” Cooperco 2015 on 21/11 at 14:00 in Parque Miraflores with Chaucha Kings, Gerardo Morán, El Hombre Voz, and Laura Pausini.

From Saturday

Alianza Paíz – (the majority party and Pres. Correa´s party) is analysing a transition stage so that the sitting president and assembly members who would be potential beneficiaries if indefinite re-elections is passed cannot be candidates in 2017. (Then why is the constitutional amendment needed?  Wasn´t it mostly so Correa could run again?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



Editor’s note: Jeanne’s information is from the hard copy of the Cuenca daily newspaper, El Mercurio.



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