Jueves, 25/5/2016: Holiday sales, Earthquake benefit, Sweets in the park, High-tech scanner at Vicente Corral Hospital

May 27, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –
Finished events – all from Thur.

Cine argentino – “Historias de Cronopios y e Famas” showed Thurs. inchl jeanne logo the Museo de la Ciudad.

Star Wars & Michael Jackson – themes performed by the OSC Thurs. night in the Catedral Vieja

Articles about –

“Figura y Forma.  La guerra al voyeur del género” (Figure and Form.  The war on voyeur of gender) – This performance installation opened last night  at MMAM and strips away the social and political burden from the idea of gender.  The work is in two rooms.  In the first, the viewer looks at images through a pinhole in a box.  In the second room, the same image is shown live with “mapping.”  Images are projected onto a surface – in this case, nude bodies.   (The photo shows something that looks like photos taken by Hubble.  I think the live performance was only on Thurs.)

Segunda Gala de Música y Danza Tradicional (I think you can translate that on your own.) – This dance show was Thurs. in the teatro “Padre Carlos Crespi” at the U Politecnica Salesiana (calle De Las Carretas y Del Obrero at the back part of the Univ.).

Titiricuenca – This puppet theater festival will be from 1-12/6 and is aimed at families and children.  Schools who want to go to the performances at the Teatro Casa de la Cultura can make reservations at the facebook page: Titiricuenca or call 419 5221 or 098 482 8256.   (I’m guessing the general public can use these numbers as well.)

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Dulces, fe y solidaridad durante días del Corpus (Sweets, faith and solidarity during the days of Corpus).  150 vendors with traditional Corpus sweets are around parque Calderón and the Catedral La Inmaculada.  (Beware of the vividly colored things – I think they’re nothing but crystalized sugar and dyes.)

Assange – The Swedish Justice decided to maintain the arrest order against Julian Assange yesterday.  (You can probably find more on your English language news site.)

Airport – The corporation that runs the airport clarified the number of flights.  On M, Tue., & Sat – 6 flights; Wed – 7; Thu & F – 8; and Sun – 5.  Large planes are still restricted from using the runway when it’s wet.  The airport has a Twitter account: @Aeropuerto_CUE which has info. on flight times, routes and airport news as well as climate conditions.

New tomograph – The “Vicente Corral Moscoso” Hospital got a new tomography machine (CT scans?).

Frog Census – A team from the U of Azuay, Municipality of Sígsig, the Amaru Zoo and the Environmental Ministry took a census of the Jambato frog, considered to be extinct. 7 frogs were seen along with eggs, some of which might be from the cristal frog, also thought to be extinct.  The next step is a plan to protect the frogs along with their habitat.

Amenidades –
“Tripulación Ayuda” (Crew help) tour – An earthquake benefit tour of alternate rock bands will be on Fri, 27/5 at 21:00 in the Sonora club (av. 12 de Abril y San Roque). The show will have 2 groups from Portoviejo, “Los propios” from Guayaquil and Cuencanan artists “Vandan” and “Un cuy gigante postsoviético de proporciones bíblicas” (A giant post-Soviet cuy of bibical proportions – I guess that’s a good alternate rock name.  Does it even fit on a playbill?)  Cost:$ 7.00.

Deportes –
Circuito Salesiano UPS Atlético 8K – This race will be on 26/6 starting at 8:30 and run through the Miraflores area.  Register at the Tesorería at the Universidad Politécnica Salesiano (Treasurer’s office).  There are 3 categories – Juvenil (17-19 yrs), Sénior (20-39) and Máster (40+0).  Pick up your race kits on 25/6 from 9-16:00 at the University coliseo.  Cost: $5.00.

Discuentos –
30% sale off selected merchandise – Supermaxi, MegaMaxi, Mr. Books, Bebemundo, TVentas, Sukocina, todohogar, Sukasa, Automas, Libri Mundi, RadioShack-MaxiTec – 4 days from 26-29/5.

ETAFashion – 72 hour sale on Fri, Sat & Sun – 20% off on all fashion merchandise – more info at ETAFASHION.com.  You can also buy on line.  (Cuenca is included in the cities with stores. Challenge yourself and go to their website for an address.  My guess is Mall del Rio for starters.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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