Viernes, 3/6/2016: Saraguro crafts fair, Vinyl fever at the stadium, Vendors don’t like final San Francisco Plaza plan, Japanese festival

Jun 4, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming events –

Records (yes, real records of vinyl and acetate – the things yourchl jeanne logo grandkids consider antiques) – There will be a record swap and fair tomorrow (Sat.) from 10:00 on the explanade at the stadium with more than 10,000 records.  (Are tape recordings still sold? Or are they as dinosaurian as LPs?)

Festival japonés (Japanese festival) – The “Paseo del Japón en Cuenca 2016” (Trip to Japan, Cuenca 2016) will be tomorrow (Sat.) from 10-18:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad (Benigno Malo y Gran Colombia) and feature conferences, a food demonstration and Sake (for all of you bored with Zhumir.  I’ve never have been able to figure out why gringo parties always have to have booze. When did food, music and dance cease to be enough?)

Rock – The bands “Da Pawn” and “Les Petit Bastards” will play a concert tomorrow (Sat.) called “Un mundo al revés” (Upside down world) at 16:00 in the República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55 y Hermano Miguel).  Cost: $10.00.  (One of these days I’m going to translate one of these items literally and word by word so you can see what I have to untangle.  Word order is a bitch – almost as bad as verb conjugations.)

Articles about –

“Titiricuenca” – The theater and puppet festival runs to Sun, 12/6.  Scheduled for today is “El faro del fin del mundo” (The lighthouse at the end of the world) at 10:00 & 18:00 (right now, as a matter of fact.  At least a gringo right now.  I have no idea if Ecuadorian performances start on time.) in the Teatro Casa de la Culture.  Cost: $2.00, niños and $3.00, adultos.
Saturday – Clowndestinos will present “Baravibus” at 11:00 in the canton Sígsig and at 15:30 in the El Valle parish – both outdoors presentations.
Sunday – Clowndestinos will present “El Inventor” in the sector El Barranco at 11:30.

Josefina Flándoli – The Cuencana artist has 4 paintings in a show in Brussels.

Ariana Cazar – Is a 6 year old who has been making art since she was 3.  Her paintings are at the Sala para Artistas Emergentes (Gallery for Emerging Artists – and if you can’t call a 6 year old emerging, who can you call emerging?) in the Museo Pumapungo.  The show closes 2/7.

Festival de Cine – The film festival will be in solidarity with the earthquake victims. The festival will be from 14-18/6 and screenings will be in the Salón de la Ciudad, Multicines, Seminario San Luis and Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.  There will also be workshops for professional actors, directing workshops, and talks.  Attendees are asked to bring books, films, magazines and toys for children and young people.  The festival schedule and costs will be forthcoming.  (And you’ll find out the day after, what time the films were.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Trofeo de oro de 24 quilates será para el campeón  (24 karate gold trophy for the champion) – The American Cup Centennial starts today.  (It’s sports so I’m done translating this article, but quilates is a handy word to know if you like jewelry.)

Sinincay – Soil testing is being done in the Jesús de Gran Poder Parish.   Technicians are drilling as much as 30 meters or until they hit “arcillo” (clay – your word for the day.  That layer of clay is like a layer of lubricating oil.).  A slide from 25 years ago has reactivated and 11 houses have been affected.

San Francisco Plaza – The vendors don’t like the plan.  (Surprise, surprise.  They’re probably hoping to pass their booths on to their kids.)  What they don’t like is the movable booths and say the plan will not guarantee them the right to work.  The taxi company in the plaza felt they would also be affected by the movable booths and supported the vendors.  (Oh, just leave the thing – not everything has to be pretty and the San Francisco Market has its own raggedy 3d world appeal.  Plus you can buy good stuff cheap and the vendors are nice and helpful.)

Saraguro – There will be a monthly crafts and cultural fair in Saraguro on the first Sunday of each month at the Hall Municipal de Saraguro to promote food, crafts, music and dance typical of the canton.  The hours for this Sun. are from 9-17:00 with the participation of about 70 exhibitors.

IVA on Súper – The government announced that it will subsidize the extra 2% IVA on high octane gas so that the cost to the consumer will not change.

Airport –  The runway work done in Feb. has not been formally delivered by the contractors.  (I can see where this is going – the work isn’t actually finished so the contractor’s going to lose his retention if they have them on public works contracts here or fix the runway so big jets can land.)

Tranvía – The intersections of Gran Colombia with Manuel Vega and Hermano Miguel should be completed this Sun., and open to traffic on Monday.  One of the business owners said it is essential that all the work be completely finished since after one stretch of G. Colombia was opened there were 2 accidents because of holes left unfilled.  (So, does the public want the Tranvía on time or done right?)

Amenidades –
Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this week.
3D Tortugas Ninja 2 – Esp y Sub.
2D Tortugas Ninja 2 – Esp.
2D Maestro del dinero – Esp. y Sub. (Oooh, Trump’s autobiography.)

The following movies are continuing.
2D & 3D Alicia a travéz del espejo – Esp.
2D Xmen apocalipsis – Esp.
2D Angry Birds – Esp.
2D Milagros del cielo – Esp.

Internacional –
Brazil – Interim Pres. Temer’s party wants to speed up the impeachment and have a Senate decision on 12/7, but was stopped by Rousseff’s party.  (Is “railroaded” the word I want to use in this case?)

Deportes –
El Vergel 8K – The race is this Sun. starting at 10:00 from El Vergel.  There will be a warm up bailoteraía session at 9:30.  You can pick up your race kit Sat. from 8-17:00 in the Salón Provincial, the Sede Barrial and the Internet Decad.  Cost $2.00 for kids and $3.00 for adults.  (I don’t know if you can still register on Sat. and I don’t know where those places are.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –




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