Jueves, 23/6/2016: Landslide, Cancer hospital to upgrade equipment, Crafts sale

Jun 23, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Thursday´s event –

Book presentation – “Arquitectura popular del Azuay y Cañar 1977-78” by Patricio Muñoz Vega was presented posthumously in thechl jeanne logo main lecture hall of the Department of Architecture at the U of Cuenca.

Articles about –

“A la orilla” (To the shore) – This sculpture exhibit by Juana Córdova opened Thurs in the Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno.  Her common theme is nature, from a scattering of whale bones to medicinal plants to seeds, in and out of scale – all made from papel araña y arroz (spider paper and rice paper?).

Tinta Tinto – the event will bring invitees from communications and journalism to the U. del Azuay (UDA) and is open to students and professionals in communication, design and marketing throughout the country.  For more info go to the web  page tintatinto.wix.com/tintatinto.  Register with the secretary of the university. Cost:  $90.00.

Haiku – “Haikus elementales” by poet Ramiro Caiza will be launched today at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos at the CCE. (Cordero y Pres. Córdova)  (They’re in Spanish so here’s an incentive for you poetry lovers to learn the language.)

Expoventa – An exhibit and sale of fine crafts, designer clothes, organic cosmetics, jewelry, home decorations, carved candles (those would be the ones too nice to burn?), organic soaps, and jams, jellies, Greek yogurt, and more will be at Diseño 80 (Bolívar 13-49 y Juan Montalvo) from today to Sat, 10-19:00.

An ad for – A fair on 25/6 from 9-20:00 in the Parque de La Madre with food, batucadas (which the computer tells me is a type of fast Brazilian samba), stilt walkers, music and theater.  It’s for Father’s Day (so Ecuadorian Father’s Day – a week late?)

Otras cosas –  

Titular – Bloqueo parcial desde Cuenca a M. Santiago (Partial road blockage from Cuenca to Morona Santiago)  (The picture shows a little ledge bisecting a “waterfall” of mud. I think that ledge is what’s left of the road – very scary.)   The road will be open today intermittently between 8-17:00.  (Even scarier because there are bits of the road that look like there’s nothing underneath.)  An alternate route would be Sígsig-Matanga-Gualaqiza which has slides that are passable and being cleared.  The vía Gualaceo-Plan de Milagro-Limón is also blocked by a slide at Tinajillas on km. 43.  (Bottom line, if you don’t have to drive to M. Santiago, don’t.)

IV Festival de la Achira – The festival celebrating achira, a tubor, will be in Girón this Sun.  You can try pan de almidón (bread made from the starch) and enjoy the day’s programs which will be held in the area in front of the Centro Comercial Gíron.
9:00 – inauguration
10:00 – presentation by the Centro Cultural Andino of Cuenca
11:00 – bailoterapia marathon (“They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?)
13:00 – sports
19:00 – fireworks
19:30 – show with Antony Galán
20:00 – dance with Mambo Diablo

Alcohol advertising – An assemblyman has proposed a modification to the Ley de Communicación (Communications Law) to allow advertising for “bebidas de moderacíon” (moderate beverages) with less than 5% alcohol content – basically beer.  (Not that a lot of you are reading ads anyway – at least not in Spanish.  At least not yet.  You see, I’m still hopeful you monolinguists will get to class so you can talk to the other 15,000,000 people who live in this country.  Think of all the friends you could be making if you spoke the local lingo.)

SOLCA Cuenca – The hospital specializing in treatment of cancer has taken a 10 year mortgage from the government for $9,586,501 to purchase equipment.  (And a little bit for you statistics junkies and those of you who are perennially curious about how much things cost.)  There were 28,000 cases of cancer in 2014, with 9,000 who died.  Cost of treatment for each patient was about $2,000/mo. nationally.

Internacional –
Colombia – An agreement to cease fire and hostilities has been signed between the government and FARC-EP.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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