Domingo, 16/10/2016: Tranvía uncertainty, Damaged money extension, Wild fire

Oct 17, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –chl jeanne logo

Concurso – The Perroween pet costume contest was today at 11:00 in the Hotel Oro Verde.  Cost: $5.00.  (Wonder if they had a category for the “mascota” (pet – your word for the day and now we’ve got that over with) and its owner who looked most alike.)

Cuenca Tattoo Convention – The convention, held in the Convention Center at the Mall del Río, closed today.

Upcoming/ongoing agenda events –

Theater Festival – The Imay Centro Cultural (calle del Batan 4-70 y El Oro) is preparing “Lirón, Lirón,” their first Festival de Artes Escénicas for children.  The center is calling for theater companies, groups and actors to participate.

Películas – The films “Kamtchatka” and “El abrazo de la serpiente” will be shown in the Centro Cultural Reública Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-85) Mon. at 16:00 and 18:00.

Cine – The CCE will continue with its cinema program for students this coming Martes at 10:00.

ARCA – (I’m breaking my own rule about announcing things not in the newspaper, but this is a good cause.) ARCA is having a concert to benefit the animals they’ve rescued on jueves, 20/10 at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre with Vanessa Freire, Quinteto Polifónico, Teatro Barojo, Cindy Benson and Peter Dudar. Tickets available at Almacén El Surtido (Borrero between Bolívar y Sucre), Carolina Book Store (Hermano Miguel 4-46 y calle Larga), Clínica ARCA (Baltazara de Calderón 2-37 y Miguel Vélez), and ARCA Pet Spa (Juan Jaramillo 4.81 y Mariano Cueva).  Cost: $10.00.

Articles about –

Coro del Conservatorio – The Youth chorus of the Conservatorio “José María Ródriguez” is preparing the show, “Lo mejor del ayer y lo nuestro” (The best of yesterday and of ours) which will include popular and national music.  The show will be on 27 & 28/10.  (As usual, be patient – before then, there will be another article or item letting you know when and where.  I hope it’s in the Catedral Viejo.)

Bienal – The reason for the delaying of the opening from 21/10 to 25/11 was clarified by Cristóbal Zapata, director.

Escenarios del Mundo – “Amarillo” was the play presented Sun. in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Caminata deja “huella” de arte (Walk left “footprint” of art) – Artists who participated in the Caminata del Arte have painted on the balconies of the Museo Pumapungo and on walls.  (That would have gotten most of us a spanking or a time out if we’d done that at home when we were in grade school.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Incertidumbre marca al tranvía (Uncertainty marks the tranvía – I wonder if not capitalizing the tranvía was an editorial statement?)  For more info see Sunday’s CHL article.

Wild fire – At least 60 hectares were burned in a mountainous area of Soldado in the San Joaquin Parish near the Cajas National Park.  It started last viernes and was controlled yesterday.

Haití – Ecuador is sending $250,000 to Haití to help the government of Puerto Príncipe.

Damaged bills – The Banco Central (calle Larga y av. Huayna Cápac) has extended the date to exchange damaged bills to this viernes.  The hours are 8-17:00.  (That $20 with the red splotch where you dropped your mora jam doesn’t need to be exchanged.)  What will no longer be accepted by the US Federal Reserve from the Banco Central del Ecuador are bills that are torn into pieces and patched with tape on both sides, tape that isn’t transparent, with other paper patched into the bill to make it whole, and tape that obscures the serial number.  An incomplete bill needs to have at least 50% remaining.  (We’re practically talking about a bill that your dog ate, but you managed to recover the next day.  Hey, if people pay big bucks for coffee that’s been passed through a civet cat, you can salvage a bill that’s passed through your dog.)

Amenidades –

Reina de Cuenca – The Queen of Cuenca beauty pageant will be on sábado, 22/7. They will be in a fashion parade on the night of jueves at the Mall del Río.

Internacional –

Colombia – FARC celebrated the announcement by Pres. Juan Manuel Santos to extend the cease fire agreement which went into effect on 29/8 until 31/12.

Discuentos y compras –

ETAPA – Festival de velocidad (Speed festival) – to introduce their new GPON fiber optic service- 22/10 from 15-20:00 – with a Formula car starting in Ucubamba, driving through El Centro and ending at the Estadio.  The car will be shown next to the participating auto and motorcycle clubs.  More info at Facebook: ETAPA EP.

Colineal – Furniture warehouse liquidation – miércoles, 19 to domingo, 23/10 from 9-19:00 – Bodega Colineal: Octovio Chacón 2-100 (Parque Industrial – Cuenca) – up to 60% off and 12 months with no interest if paying with a Banco Pichincha card.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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