Jueves, 20/10/2016: Holiday flags hoisted, Presidential endorsements, Crafts fair at Cemuart, Korea Week, Cuy fair

Oct 21, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Thurs.) agenda events – chl jeanne logo

ARCA – A benefit concert for ARCA to support their animal rescue activities is tonight at 20:00 in the teatro Sucre.  (You’ve still got time to go – it’s a good cause.)

Pancho Aguirre – The actor presented his work, “El Loco” in the Plaza del Centenario Thurs.  He also opened a debate on the use of public spaces.  (Fine with me as long as he doesn’t piss in the river.  A one man flash mob?)

Upcoming agenda events –

Homage – The Alianza Francesa will honor writer Jorge Dávila Vázquez Fri. at 19:00 and present his new book, “Árbol Aéreo” (Air Tree) and the theatrical text Penélope.

Sinfónica – the OSC will play Fri. at 20:00 with conductor Gerardo Éstrada from Venezuela with Ecuadorian flautist Jamil Erazo.

Escenarios del Mundo – Sábado, 22/10

“Pinocho” by Teatro Pie y Proyecto Escena from Ecuador in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco at 11:30.

“Tía Miseria” by X2Teatro from Colombia in an open air performance in Parque Calderón at 16:00.

“El Quijote” by Espada de Madera from Ecuador in the Teatro Pumapungo at 20:00.

Articles about –

Arte australiano – “Frágil,” an exhibit of pieces by Australian artists will open on sábado at 10:30 in the Salón del Pueblo as a parallel show to the Bienal.  (Only they’ve opened on time so temporally, it’s not exactly parallel.)

Review – The French work, “Interpretis,” was reviewed.

Gómez Suárez de Figueroa aka Inca Garcilaso de la Vega aka Garcilaso, El Inca – was Fri. in the Sala de Conciertos in the CCE.  He was a poet and chronicler of the history, culture and customs of the Incas. He was born in Cuzco to some kind of Inca princess and Spanish father and was educated on both continents.

Danza – The dance performance “Sorori,” which represents different rituals from feminine tribes around the world, will be on sábado at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre. Cost: $5.00.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Cuenca retoma senda ganadora (Cuenca retakes the winning path) as the futbal team wins at home.

Chola Cuencana – There are 18 contestants to be the Chola Cuencana 2016-2017. Each of these young women (in case you’re so new here you don’t know a Chola Cuencana from a cheeseburger) represents one of the rural parishes of Cuenca.

Elections – Paúl Carrasco, prefect of Azuay Province, and part of the Podemos movement, will support Guilllermo Lasso of the CREO-SUMA alliance.  Jimmy Jairala, prefect of Guayas and leader of the Centro Democrático, gave his support to Paco Moncayo which got him expelled from the Frente Unidos collective. (This is a lot more complicated than a two party system.)

Campaign spending limits – The CNE has determined the limits for the pres and VP campaign at $1,922,504.70 based on an allowance of $.15 per elector.  The limit for “promocion electoral” (and I have no idea what that is – maybe advertising?) is $576,751.41.  (I think a US candidate could spend that running for dog catcher.)

Semana Internacional de Corea (International Week for Korea) – Activities will run from 25-29/10 including a musical presentation on 25/10 at 19:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo which will include actors imitating the sound of making “Bibimbap” (a bowl of rice topped with veggies, meat and an egg – yummy), B-boy movements (whatever those are – break dancing?), acrobatics and martial arts.

Feria del Cuy – The Agricultural Sciences Dep’t at the U. of Cuenca is getting ready for the Feria Internacional del Cuy 2016 on 1/11 from 9:20-10:30.  There will be 10 projects with links to the society, commercial businesses, producers (cuy ranchers?), and the associations of Agronomic Engineers and Veterinarians. (The fair only lasts one hour?  That’s not long enough to cook cuyes.)

Flags and lights – Flags for the Cuenca holidays will be raised along principal streets in El Centro, av. Loja between 10 de Agosto and 12 de Abril, and on the main bridges.  On 4/11, churches in El Centro, and parques San Blas, Calderón and San Sebastián will be lit from 2:00.  From 2/12 to 5/1/2017, the decorative lights will be lit.

Blood drive – There will be a blood drive tomorrow starting at 9:00 at the U. of Cuenca in the Psychology Department courtyard.  You need to be at least 1.5 meters tall and weigh more than 100 pounds.  (Nothing written about an upper age limit so maybe all you retired folks can donate.)

Red tagged – A large house being built on av. Enrique Arízaga near the Misicata bridge has been closed down for lack of licenses, plans and permits.  The director of Urban Control said that those responsible were asked to show their permits but did not respond.  He also said that “una gran nave” (a big boat) could not be built on this site which is too close to a waterway. (The thing in the picture looks like it could be an auto showroom.)

Calle Santa Ana – This historical passageway between the New Cathedral and Old Seminary has hit another snag.  A house was built in the middle of the street and while it is not patrimonial, it used traditional construction methods and materials, and it is old. The debate is now is what to do with it – restore it?  demolish? (Are they saying that no one noticed this house before? Or that it has only become an issue recently?)

Feria Artesanal – A group of artesans from CEMUART will have a fair from today to domingo, 23/10 in the Calle del Artista from 8-20:00.  There will be products made from wood, straw, ceramics and more.

Internacional –

Brasil – Eduardo Cunha, the ex-president of the Brazilian lower chamber and the main instigator of the movement to impeach Dilma Rousseff is in jail, accused of participating in the corruption around Petrobras.  He lost his seat after a congressional investigation.  He is the leader of the Partido del Movimiento Democrático which is also Pres. Temer’s party and bragged about helping to liberate Brasil from one of the most corrupt governments it has ever had.  (I guess the liberation from corruption was helped when he left office.)

The judge in charge of the Petrobras case determined that Cunha had deposits of 220 million reales (almost $70 million) in a Swiss account.  Cunha always denied that, but the Swiss confirmed the existence of the account.  (A case of “What goes around, comes around?”)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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