Gov’t mends fences with armed forces, indigenous group, Sombrero festival, New ethonographic exhibit, Dance

Aug 12, 2017 | 0 comments

Viernes, 11/8/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda events

Taller de Danza Andina – A workshop in Contemporary Andean Dance will be held from 14-19/8 at Gran Colombia 21-155 y Unidad Nacional.

Salón de Pintura – The Casa de la Cultura del Guayas is calling for artists for its “LIX Salón Nacional de Pintura 2017: Independencia de Guayaquil” (LIX National Painting Exhibition 2017: Independence of Guayaquil). Works will be received until 22/9 from Ecuadorian plastic artists, resident in this country or not, and from foreigners with more than 5 years of continuous permanent residency in Ecuador. <So if you’re an interested artist who’s been here for over 5 years, start Googling to get the requirements for submissions.>

Taller de danza – A dance-performance workshop organized by the Natura Insurrecta collective of Azuay will hold a workshop from 14-18/8 in the Museo de las Conceptas. There will be 12 hours of class with a public show. Register from 9:30-12:30 and from 14:30-17:30. Free, but limited spaces.

Articles about –

Museo Pumapungo – Nicola Mapelli, a priest representing the Vatican Ethonographic Museum, and its curator, Katherine Aigner, toured the Pumapungo yesterday. Part of their visit was to establish contact with the officials responsible for protecting the national patrimony since there are pieces that came from Ecuador in the Vatican’s collection which the Vatican wants to return. <I’m really liking this Papa Francisco more and more. I wonder if this is a worldwide returning of patrimonial pieces to their countries of origin?> The newly renovated ethnographic exhibit shows millenia of ancestral culture in the 3 continental regions of the country. It starts when the visitor steps through the doorway of a Shuar house. Tamara Landívar, Zone Coordinator of the Ministry of Culturea and Patrimony said Ecuador has a problem in that it is losing languages. There are 13 recognized languages and 40 dialects. <Wow, all in a space the size of Nevada. China with all its area and billion of people has 130 dialects and sub-dialects. I think both a result of terrain.>

Festival del Sombrero – The exhibitors at this festival on the Calle del Artista (Sucre y Benigno Malo) are small, hat weaving businesses in the 21 rural parishes and the edges of the urban region. The Weavers’ Associations in the parishes are combining so they can directly sell their own products since wholesalers pay very low prices. A representative called it a “forma de explotación.” (form of exploitation) <but you already translated that, I hope.> One businessman said he had the capacity to produce 2000 hats per month, but there is only demand for 500. He buys from 230 weavers grouped in 30 families.

Dance Contests – The Escuela de Baile Conga presented a dance show/competition Fri. in the Teatro Sucre. 25 groups including dancers from Loja, Ambto, Quito and Cuenca. <I bet the theater’s full – 25 groups is a lot of family and friends.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Gobierno y FF.AA. saldan fricciones (Government and Armed Forces resolve frictions) – Pres. Moreno attended a military ceremony celebrating el Primer Grito de Independencia (First Cry for Independence) in Ecuador and made a nice speech.

<More fence-mending> – The Government and Conaie took a step to reconcile frictions from the last decade. They signed a 100 year Use Agreement for Conaie’s headquarters. The biggest indigenous organization received an eviction notice from Correa in 2015, but it was never acted on. Conaie president Jorge Herrera hopes for a dialogue with Moreno on fundamental issues such as water, seeds, territory, extra-ctivism, and more. <Sure doesn’t get more basic than water, food, and a hospitable place to grow it, unless, of course, you are a hunter-gatherer.>

Pendrive – The Attorney General received a pendrive from prosecutors in Brazil on the Odebrecht case with information that an opposition ex-assemblyman called “contundente” (overwhelming – your word for the day) and relevant to the investigation of VP Glas’s ties to Odebrecht.

Decimocuarto – August 15 is the last day to pay your employees in the Sierra and Amazon their 14th month pay. <The next extra month will be in diciembre.>

Ecuador and Colombia – Military, police, naval and antinarcotics officials from both countries met to strengthen strategies to fight narcotics trafficking, contraband, and trafficking of people.

San Francisco Plaza – The 2nd contract for the remodeling of the plaza was signed yesterday with the Consorcio San Francisco for $1,372,000 plus IVA. The new contractor has 10 months to complete the project. The merchants have been relocated to Padre Aguirre.

Your sliver of life article is about – Late night Ecuadorian TV has “narconovelas” (narcotics soap operas) or “narcoseries.” The Friday night show starts at 23:00 <after the kiddies and gringo geezers and geezerettes are in bed> and contain violence, corruption, sex and drug dealing. One of the series is about Pablo Escobar.

Controls during the holidays – There will be 12 transit cops with breathalyzers to control interprovincial and intercantonal buses starting today. Bus drivers leaving from the Terminal Terrestre have to take a breathalyzer test. The machine gives them a report they have to hand in before they leave the terminal building.

Fashion parade – “Tejiendo Moda” (Weaving Fashion) Friday night in the Portal Artesanal (Huayna Cápac y Bolívar).

Chordeleg – The city’s craftsmen, designers, artists and cultural crowd are supporting Chordeleg’s application to be a Unesco “Creative City.” There will be a fair este sábado with the following activities, all starting at 10:00:
II Festival del Torno (lathe) in the Plaza Lúdica Artesanal.
Primer Festival del Sombero de Paja Toquilla en calle Los Campanarios.
Jewelry demonstration in calle Las Candongas.
Primera Feria de Calzado (shoes) in the Parque Inclusivo.
Gastronomía típica in the Plaza Central José María Vargas, the Plazoleta Lúdica Artesanal and the Mercado Municipal. There will be group of 30 models showing off ceramic pieces, jewelry, and straw.

Amenidades –

Agenda items –

Show – Kike Pacherres will entertain Saturday a las 20:00 in Lirón Lirón (Gran Colombia 9-41 y Benigno Malo). The Happy Hour will be extended to 22:00.

National Súper Smash Bros Tournament – The tournament will be este sábado, 12/8 at Borrero 14-56 y Pio Bravo. Cost for observers: $1:00. Cost for players: $5 and $10 for different categories.

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations. The following movies open this week.

2D Valerian – Esp. y Sub.
2D Aprendiz del Crimen – Esp. y Sub.

The following movies are continuing.

2D & 3D Planeta de los simios guerra – Esp.
2D Planeta de los simios guerra – Sub.
2D & 3D Emoji la pelicula – Esp.
2D Transformers 5 – Esp.
2D Atómica – Esp. y Sub.
2D Dunkerque – Esp.

Discuentos y compras –

Sukasa – Cooking classes for kids – 14-25/8 – Info and registration at Customer Service.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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