Over-fishing impact, Investment angel, Yemeni refugees in Ecuador, Water cut-off, Sacred music

Sep 7, 2017 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 6/9/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Wednesday) agenda events –

Teatro – The Barojo Experimental Theater Group presents “La Boda de Dorimena” (Dorimena’s Wedding) Thursday and Friday at 20:00 in the Atrapa Sueños Centro Cultural (Juan Bautista Vázquez 4-131 y Ricardo Muñoz). The play is based on a 1669 work by Moliére.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

“Gato Bermejo” – this new art workshop for Cuenca will open el viernes a las 10:00. The space at av. Isabel la Católica y Fernando de Aragón will feature 2 days of food, art and music. There will be session on painting on ceramics, live music and more.

Cine – The Muestra y Exposición de Cine Infantil (Show and Exhibition of Children’s Cinema) will open el viernes a las 19:00 at MMAM with 3 short films for children – “El Sueño de Julio” (The Dream of Julio), “Sorpresa de cumpleaños” (Birthday Surprise), and “La venganza de Chícharo” (The revenge of Chícharo). Also shown will be a documentary, “Cine hecho por niños para niños” (Movies made by children for children) <Here’s an example of how to use por and para which can be confusing.>, and a magic show by Mauri Magoo. <Something to entertain the kids on viernes – assuming the kids speak Spanish, and I’d bet the kids are more fluent than the parents if everyone arrived without any Spanish.>

Articles about –

Ink drawings – “Cuenca: Arte Tradición y Patrimonio” (Cuenca: Art Tradition and Heritage) by Jaime Lara, opened Wed. in the Museo de la Ciudad. The show includes drawings of iconic sites in Cuenca and drawings of “oficios” (trades) and the “trabajadores” (workers). Lara went to the workshops of the “molinero” (miller), “joyero” (jeweler), “radiotécnico” (radio technician?), “tejedora de macanas” (ikat weaver), “ladrilleras del Tejar” (brickmakers of Tejar), “marmolista” (marble carver), “panadero” (baker), luthier, “picapedrero” (stone cutter), and more. <More than enough words for the day – a whole category of them.>

Feria de Libros – “La Otra Orilla” book fair opened Wed. outside of MAAC (on the Malecón 2000) in Guayaquil.

Ties between literature and science – Writer Gabriela Alemán spoke about science fiction which started in the 19th Century with 3 “vertientes” (slopes – paths?) The first was Frankenstein which tied technology and horror. The second was Jules Verne who planted the idea of science as a solution for the world and “invented” future technology such as submarines, rockets, and space travel. The third was H.G. Wells with War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, and the Invisible Man which imagined a future extrapolated from the present. In the 20th Century, science fiction and the political intersected with writings about utopias and distopias such as Orwell’s 1984, Huxley’s “Un mundo feliz” (A happy world <This is how Google translated A Brave New World.>, and Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.

Sacred music recital – The Corporación DIZA is planning a concert of sacred music at the end of septiembre. Everything is still to be determined except the singers who are students of DIZA.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Desilusiona la Tricolor (Disappoints the Tricolor) – Ecuador lost the “big game.” See Wednesday’s CHL article for more info.

Bus fare – The Concejo Cantonal voted 13 to 2 to raise fares to 30¢. See Wednesday’s CHL article for more info.

La Cumbre – The volcano on Isla Fernandina in the Galápagos has formed a radial fissure on the southeast side with at least two flows of lava heading towards the ocean. If if reaches the ocean, it could cross part of the nesting grounds of marine iguanas, penguins, cormorants, and resting places for “lobos marinos” (sea lions – literally, sea wolves). The lava from the island volcanoes, 2 on the Isla Fernandina, 5 on Isla Isabela, and one each on Pinta and Marchena forms cones with shallower slopes than on the mainland.

Water service interruption – ETAPA will be suspending water service el jueves, 7/9 from 9:00 to 18:00 for Tranvía work at Las Américas and 1 de Mayo on the bridge over the Yanuncay. The outage looks to include most of the south and west sides including the following sectors – Las Pencas-Tejar, Plaza de las Américas, Coliseo Mayor, Clínica Humanitaria, Feria Libre, Cazhapata, Puertas del Sol, Ordóñez Lasso, Plaza de Toros, Simón Bolívar school, 3 Mariás Barrio de Turi, República del Ecuador School, School of Arts at the U of Cuenca, Colegio Fray Vicente Solano, Parque la Angostura. The water will be turned back on gradually from 18:00 to 22:00. <Seems like it would be a nice day to hang out in El Centro since it looks like Gringolandia is affected.>

Ecological impact of fishing – Ecuador still does not know what the ecological impact of the fishing is since it is unclear if the fish came from the Galápagos, the exclusion zone of Ecuador or from outside the exclusion zone. The boat that was seized is a refrigerator boat which preserves and processes the catch made by other fishing boats. The “Fu yuan yu leng 999” crew said they took a large amount of their cargo from Taiwanese fishing boats. <I thought they were supposed to be such big enemies. I guess ordinary people aren’t so worried about government ideologies. Or maybe they’re just trying to get the Taiwanese in trouble.>

Refugees – A groups of Yemeni refugees came to Ecuador to flee their home country where there is no electricity, potable water, medicine, a cholera epidemic which has overwhelmed hospitals, and indiscriminate bombing which is killing civilians. The men were ex-gov’t workers, a public relations person, and a businessman. They are looking to make new lives starting from zero where they can live in a peaceful and safe place without fear. <I think a lot of us can relate to that in a less extreme way.>

Asambleas ciudadanas – In the first 6 meetings in Bellavista, Monay, Sucre, Machángara, Huayna Cápac y El Batán, there were 963 attendees, 55% of whom were women. 14% were youth, and 14% seniors with adults making up 72%. The main priority was roads followed by basic services in the parishes, and social and community needs. Today’s meeting was at 18:00 in San Blas, mañana in El Sagrario, and el viernes in Gil Ramírez Dávalos.

El Pan – The canton is free of metal mining. There used to be 11 concessions, and now there is only one which is in litigation with the canton. The “eviction” of mining was supported by the mayor, council and communities who were affected by water pollution .

“Inversión ángel” (Investment angel) – There will be a talk on how to attract an investment angel este jueves a las 18:00 in the hotel Oro Verde Cuenca. It is organized by the EDES Business School, the Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and the Mucho Mejor Cuenca Corporation. Those organizations will also have a “Bootcamp Intensivo” in Cuenca which starts on 5/10 and is a 32 hour workshop over 3 weekends. Participants need to have a business project or an ongoing business.

Discuentos y compras –

Kia – Sportage R from $29,990 incl. IVA.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



Dani News

Hogar Esperanza – News

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 01

More than 1,900 Forest Fires Recorded in Ecuador So Far in 2024.

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Energy Crisis: Harnessing Volcanic Heat for Power Generation Under Consideration.

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Marmoset Monkeys Call Each Other by Name, Just Like Humans.

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