Jorge Glas maintains his innocence as Odebrecht evidence against him mounts

Oct 25, 2017 | 0 comments

In a Sunday interview with CNN Español, Ecuador’s jailed vice president Jorge Glas said he is the victim of a political vendetta by President Lenin Moreno, the federal prosecutor, and the judge handling his case.

Vice President Jorge Glas

Glas made the claim on the same day that a new investigation report names him as one of three key players in Ecuador’s Odebrecht bribery scandal.

Glas has been in a Quito jail since October 2 awaiting trial on charges of illegal association and the prosecutor says additional charge could be forthcoming.

“What proof do they have to accuse me?” Glas asked the CNN reporter. “All they have is the word of corrupt confessor and a liar who worked for my uncle,” he said, referring to former Odebrecht official José Conceição Santos and a former employee of Ricardo Rivera who provided computer records to the prosecutor’s office of communication between Glas and Rivera.

“I have been arrested and imprisoned for political reasons, not according to law, because they have want to shut me up,” he said. “The president is involved in this as is the prosecutor and judge.”

The CNN interview took place just hours before the federal prosecutor’s office released a 12-page report naming Glas as one of three leaders of the Odebrecht scandal in Ecuador. The other two are Santos and former Ecuador Comptroller Carlos Pólit. The report says that Rivera appears to have been an intermediary who collected bribe money for others, including Glas.

According to the report, new information for the investigation was provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, which broke the case in late 2016, and Rivera’s former employee.


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