Police pursue robbery gang; Drunk voters arrested for dry law violations; Gastronomy tour offers tastes from the past; Planetarium films, other events

Oct 17, 2023 | 0 comments

Lunes, 2/10/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

De El Mercurio del sábado, 14/10 (2 articles):
Taller de percusión (Percussion workshop) – There will be a multi-percussion and composition workshop el 16, 17, & 18/10 a las 17:30 in the “Catalina Sojos” auditorium in the Casa de la Cultura (Pres. Córdova 7-89, 3d floor). <I wonder if that’s the US or the Ecuadorian 3d floor and if the CCE has an elevator. I can’t imagine lugging a set of drums up 3 or 4 flights of stairs. If so, the subtitle to the workshop should be “,….and fitness” workshop.> The training will be will be by the Conservatorio E-Learning-Latinoamérica. If you’re interested in participating, call 098 423 1594. Cost: $15 for the 3 days.

The Museum of Gastronomy in Challuabamba offers traditional food and drink as well as history lessons about popular dishes. (El Mercurio)

Cine sobre artesanía y cultura se proyectará en al Planetario (Craft and cultural films to be screened at the Planetarium) – CIDAP’s 10th edition of the Ciclo Internacional de Cine sobre Artesanía y Cultura Popular will start el próximo miércoles and will screen 14 short and full-length films from 8 countries with 19 directors Planetario Municipal. The event will be inaugurated on 18/10 a las 10:00 with the documentary, “Cholitas,” which is about 5 Bolivian women. <They’re mountain climbers and guides and plan to climb Everest, I think next year. They plan to wear their traditional cholita clothing. Tough ladies. I wonder if they’ll be exchanging clothes with the Sherpas to compare cold, high mountain clothing from over 10,000 miles away.> A las 18:00 on the same day, there will a show of short films. On el 19/10 a las 10:00, “Ixcanul” by Jayro Bustamante will be shown with another show of short films a las 18:00. The cycle will end el 20/10 with 3 short films at 10:00 and a repeat of “Cholitas” a las 18:00. Cost: free.

Titular –

Noboa, joven presidente (Noboa, young president) – See today’s article (lunes) in CHL for the story. <Here’s a brief resume, which I probably should have looked for before the elections.> Daniel Roy-Gilchrist Noboa Azin, at 35 years old, is the 2nd youngest president in Ecuador. The youngest, who was also the first, was Juan José Flores who was 30. Noboa studied Business Administration at the Stern School of Business of New York University. He has a degree in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a masters in Governance and Political Communication from George Washington University. He was the assembleísta for Santa Elena and the President of the Assembly’s Commission for Economic Development.

Brief election statistics: 12,455,418 people <I use people instead of citizens, since permanent residents have the right to vote.> were registered to vote with 2,103,725 of them not showing up. The new president and vice-president will take office el 15/11. They will stay in office until mayo, 2025.

Especial –

De El Mercurio del domingo, 15/10 (3 articles):
Un espacio de gran valía (A valuable space) – Starting hoy (el domingo, 15/10), the Department of Philosophy, Letters and Sciences of Education at the U. of Cuenca will share information every domingo about culture, education, interculturality, academia and more. The department will share information about its academic activities at a pre and post-graduate levels in research, scientific advances, and special publications. The department will also share its diverse offers for courses and the highest quality academic events. <As long as they don’t publish Ph.D. theses full of professional jargon.>

Agenda –
17-20/10, 13:00 – Feria – Feria del Libro – Juan Bautista Vásquez library patio.
19/20 – Cinencuentros – Film screenings – Facultad de Filosofía, Multi-use auditorium.
19/10, 15:30 – Activación – Benefit of phyical activity: World breast cancer prevention day – Julio Abad Coliseo Universitario.
20/10, 17:00 – Libros – Presentation of 4 classics of Ecuadorian literature – APUC auditorium.
More on Facebook:Facultad de Filosofía, Instagram: ffilosofiaucuenca, Twitter: @FFilosofiauc.

Los saberes ancestrales como parte del aprendizaje (Ancestral knowledge as part of the learning process) – Multi-lingual and ancestral knowledge should be taken into account in the need to create a nexus between all educational components and levels. Ángel Japón, director of the Department of Intercultural Studies in the Department of Philosophy, considers it urgent that culture be reinforced and be an important part of learning to benefit students and their communities. This is where the educational system is most deficient since ancestral knowledge is separated from education, leading to a loss of identity. <Contrast this with the isolation of American Indian children from their communities in the US and Canada when the kids were shipped to Indian boarding schools to train them how to be civilized and accept European culture. At these schools, kids suffered mental, physical and sexual abuse, and many died. Loss of identity was the purpose of these schools.> He emphasized that to confront these problems, the educational process needs to focus on the whole and and not separately so that adaptation to educational development won’t be traumatic for the students.

Cuenca –

De El Mercurio del domingo, 15/10 (1 article):
Museo de la Gastronomía alimenta el conocimiento (Museum of Gastronomy nourishes knowledge) – The Museum of Gastronomy is where traditions from the kitchen of your bisabuela (well not exactly your great-grandmother, but maybe your neighbor’s> are preserved. The museum and restaurant is in Challuabamba with hours from 9-14:30 los lunes a viernes, and 8:30-16:30 los sábados y domingos. El 31/10, the ‘Tour de Terror’ will be opened with Cuencano and Ecuadorian legends. It is housed in an old hacienda that belonged to José Reinaldo Álvarez, the first surveyor in Cuenca, and grandfather of Miguel Urgilés, the museum’s founder.

A visit will start with a welcome drink <canelazo?>. The tour will include traditional games such as el palo encebado, la rayuela, los ensacados, el ula ula, and los carros de madera (the greased pole, hopscotch, sack races, hoop rolling or hula hoops, and the wooden cars) <that these are familiar from my childhood makes me feel really old — historic, even.>. The visit continues with gastronomic and drinks tours; and salóns of history, technologies and music. While you are touring you experience tasting chicha, catar el café (coffee cupping), and grinding cane to make guarapo or mapanagua (a drink), splitting firewood, and enjoying a mote sucio. You will also learn some history, starting from ancestral times; passing through the commemoration of the Raymis <like Inti Raymi which I’m sure you’ve heard of or seen> and their significance; the arrival of the Spanish; and up to the present day. <If it’s the same as when I went, you need to make tour and restaurant reservations separately.>

Sucesos –

Policía investiga agrupación delictiva que opera en Cuenca (Police investigate criminal group operating in Cuenca) – On la madrugada of last viernes, a criminal organization of 8 men and women assaulted and stabbed 3 youths at calles Francisco Tamariz y De las Amerícas. The victims said they were intercepted by the group who were in a car and a pickup. The victims said they were intimidated with knives with one stabbed in the leg and the others hit. The criminals stole 3 iPhones, 2 laptops, cash, wallets, and backpacks and then fled along av. Abelardo J. Andrade. The victims called 911, and National Police officers, agents of the Policía Judicial del Azuay, and an MSP ambulance responded. The police said they were on the trail of the criminals who could be implicated in other robberies in different parts of Cuenca, including a robbery of an employee at a pharmacy on Miraflores and de las Amerícas which was caught on video, and in the La Nube barrio of the Octavio Cordero Palacios parish.

Nacional –

Indagación contra ciudadano que habría llenado 14 papaletas (Inquiry against citizen who allegedly marked 14 ballots) – Juan Carlos P. is in the hands of the police after starting to mark ballots in spite of people at the table telling him not to. According to police, he smelled of alcohol. <So the dummy was not only committing voter fraud but he was drinking on a dry weekend.> Diana Atamain, president of the CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral) said voter fraud can be punished with up to 7 years. She said the CNE is taking necessary actions for an exemplary sanction so that this action won’t be repeated. She said that a few cannot tarnish or call into question the transparency of the process.

According to a National Police report, 446 people were arrested, and 254 citations issued for not complying with the dry law. Most of the cases were in Pichincha. In Quito, there were arrests for political proselytizing near a polling station. <Those illegal campaigners should have been waving, “Repent, the end is near” signs instead.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). If information is incorrect, they are the responsibility of El Mercurio. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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