Get Ready For The Cold And Flu Season!


Arm Your Immune System With IV Therapy This Cold and Flu Season

If you want to lower your risk of getting the flu, IV therapy may be able to help you.

To stay healthy, you need the proper nutrients. When your nutrients are balanced, your body will have the resources to heal and regenerate itself. IV therapy can give your body the needed nutrients to fight diseases.

IV Therapy for cold and flu season ingredients:

Mega doses Vit C
Vitamin B12

IV therapy cuts out the middleman and delivers nutrients directly to your bloodstream so you absorb and benefit from all of them. This provides you with many health benefits

Lymphdiaral is recommended for the treatment of tonsillitis and frequent respiratory infections.

Reduces the severity of respiratory symptoms.
Decreases the number of respiratory infections.
Shortens the disease cycle.
Relieves swollen lymph nodes.

Contains: Scrophularia nodosa, Echinacea, and Mercurius bijodatus.

Pascoleucyn is a homeopathic medicine with an immune-stimulating effect. It is indicated for the management of infections of diverse origins.

Stimulates your immune system.
Anti-inflammatory effect.
Activates your lymphatic system and immune system cells.

Contains: Echinacea, Baptista, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Thuja, and Lachesis.

I use only the best compounding pharmacies’ best ingredients to ensure the most effective infusions with fewer side effects.

Cost of IV $85 + $5.00 transportation fee.

Elsa Rojas

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