Blackouts are cancelled for Monday and Tuesday; Nutcracker Suite plays in Parque Calderon; Former VP Jorge Glas takes refuge in the Mexican embassy

Dec 19, 2023 | 0 comments

Lunes, 18/12/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Ballet en el parque Calderón – The ballet, “Cascanuezes” (Nutcracker), will be performed el viernes 22/12 a las 20:00 in the parque Calderón. This follows a first performance last sábado. Free.

Expo de bienes patrimoniales – In the Casa de Arte of the U. of Cuenca (av. 12 de Abril y Solano) there is an exhibit of heritage and archaeological assets belonging to the university. Hours are lunes a viernes from 9-12:00 and from 15-18:00. Free.

Electric power blackouts were suspended Monday and Tuesday. The Ministry of Energy said the change was due to the rains that fell over the weekend in Azuay Province, increasing the waterflow at the Rio Paute hydroelectric plants. (El Mercurio)

Taller gratuito en las Posadas – There will be an introduction to pointillism workshop given by artist Cristina Navas Castillo el 20 & 21/12 a las 16:00 in the Casa Patrimonial Municipal de las Posadas. If you are interested in participating, go to the Casa de las Posadas to register. Free.

Titular –

Liga festeja la estrella 12 (Liga celebrates 12th star) – <Whoever that is and whatever that means – sports, so you’re on your own.>

Cuenca –

Cortes de energia en Ecuador se suspenden este lunes y martes (Power cuts in Ecuador are suspended this Monday and Tuesday) – Power blackouts in Ecuador were suspended Monday, December 18 and Tuesday, December 19. The Ministry of Energy reported that the change was due to the rains that fell over the weekend in Azuay Province, east of Cuenca, near the Rio Paute complex of hydroelectric generation plants. According to the National Electricity Operator (Cenace), the rains significantly increased the flows of water into the reservoirs of the Paute-Molino, Mazar and Sopladora power plants, which produce 40% of Ecuador electricity under normal weather conditions. Because of the extended drought, the plants were meeting only 15% of the need. As a result of the rains, waterflow at the Rio Paute complex more than doubled from last week’s levels.

The rains also increased power generation at the country’s second largest hydro plant, the Coca Codo Sinclair plant east of Quito. Cenace will evaluate hydrological conditions at the hydro plants in the coming days to determine the schedule of future blackouts. It says its aim is to minimize the impact on power rationing on residential, commercial and industrial sectors during the holiday season.

Nacional –

Glas se refugia en la Embajada de México (Glas takes refuge in the Mexican Embassy) – The AG, Diana Salazar, ordered the Policía to locate and detain Jorge Glas, ex-vice president during the administration of Rafael Correa (2007-2017). Glas had already been imprisoned from 2017 to 2022 for corruption. Glas was to be taken to the Prosecutor’s Office of Court Jurisdiction Number 2 for a maximum of 12 hours as part of a confidential investigation being conducted by the Prosecutor’s Office. The Penal Code allows the Prosecutor to stop a person who has necessary information or is a suspect in an investigation to appear for a period of time not longer than 12 hours. Glas took refuge in the Mexican embassy in Quito. Ecuador is calling on Mexican authorities to invite Glas to cooperate with police. <Maybe Glas figured what worked for Assange – at least for a while – might be worth trying. Or he wants to follow the path of other politicians who wound up in Mexico after “escaping” from the embassy.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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