Free yourself from fear, anxiety and trauma in 2024 !!


Start your 2024 with a cleaner, clearer subconscious mind–the part of the mind that is responsible for 90% of what you think, feel, and react to.

There is no need to suffer anymore! This is a quick, painless process during which you are awake and aware and in control..

Everyone these days is very highly programmed, stemming from early childhood, adult traumas, society, and even the media. With Subconscious Clearing, you can install the default beliefs that you choose, helping you manifest the life that you choose.

During this process, you are 100% conscious, and 100% in control, and we work together to help you achieve your goals. It’s safe, fast, and effective. And often life-changing. $40 for a 90-minute session.

(Note: all sessions are 100% confidential)

—“I think it’s wonderful to work with Jan …the process is simple, and she creates a safe space to work in…”
Jenice McAlevy, Vilcabamba, Ecuador

—“I highly recommend Jan’s subconscious clearing modality. It has radically altered my life…. The beauty of it is its simplicity, as well as personal empowerment. …. Quite remarkable and genuinely empowering and liberating is the best way I can summarize my experience.”
D.F., Ecuador

Jan Wallace


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