Help transform lives at Hearts of Gold Foundation!


Did you know that your unwanted items can become treasures for those in need?

How can you help? It’s easy: Donate!

Donate Quality Clothing: Your second-hand clothes can become someone else’s new fashion. Give your clothes a second chance and someone a fresh start.

Furniture with a story: Do you have furniture you no longer use? Give them a second life and help build cozy homes.

Books, toys, and more: From books to toys, your donations can inspire new stories and games.

Why donate to Hearts of Gold?

Direct Impact: Your donations go directly to supporting individuals and families in vulnerable situations.

Sustainability: By giving a new life to forgotten items, we help reduce waste and encourage a sustainable lifestyle.

Solidarity Community: Join a community of donors who share the vision of a more compassionate world.

How to donate? It’s simple:

Visit our store: Find your D’Ellas Second Hand store at Chimborazo Street L-13 and Esmeraldas, and leave your donations with our friendly staff. (Hearts of Gold Foundation)

Pickup program: Can’t come to us? Contact us to schedule a donation pickup at your home on Fridays.

Hearts of Gold Foundation


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