Turi prison guard house is under construction; Red Cross has an emergency moto; Antiques exhibition at Casa de la Lira; Weather report; Photo expo

Jul 6, 2024 | 0 comments

Viernes, 5/7/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Expo en Pumapungo – “Arquitexturas” by photographer Crostoph Hirtz opened last miércoles in the Sala A1 in the Museo Pumapungo. It will be open until el 24 de julio.

Muestra colectiva (Collective show) – “Mi alma en el pincel” (“My soul in the brush”), a collective exhibit from 14 artists, is at the Galería Vitrina de la Casa de la Cultura (Pres. Córdova 7-23) until el 15 de julio. Free.

The city of Cuenca is building guard house at the entry of Turi Penitentiary, located south of Cuenca, to check incoming traffic for weapons and other contraband and to protect citizens from possible prison breaks.

Casa de la Lira con primera exposición de antiguedades (Casa de la Lira with its first antiques exhibition) – <I still can’t figure out how to get the umlaut over a lowercase “u.” If any of you knows, please tell me – I have a Spanish keyboard. I can do it with a capital Ü, but not a lowercase.> The Casa Patrimonial de la Lira will host collectors and fans in the first exhibition, sale and exchange of antiquities el sábado, 6/7 from 10:00 a 17:00. More than a dozen exhibitors will show collectors’ items, artwork, bibliographic treasures, stamps and coins. The show is geared to entrepreneurs, crafts people and citizens who want to attend to show, exchange or sell objects and documents that have resisted the passage of time; and to bring with them stories that are ready to be told. <Maybe it’s time to bring Great Aunt Mabel’s collection of Franklin mint shepherdesses you’ve been keeping out of a sense of familial duty even though no one in the family wants those sappy shepherdesses anymore.>

Titular –

La Tri despierta del ‘sueño americano’ (La Tri wakes up from the ‘American dream) – See today’s (viernes) CHL article for story. <Which just goes to prove the adage that Ecuador is a country where anything is possible, but nothing is for sure.>

De El Mercurio de jueves, 4/7
Nada es imposible (Nothing is impossible) – By the time you get this you’ll know if the impossible was achieved. Ecuador plays Argentina in 3 minutes <I’m writing this on Thursday. Even in Ecuador, I don’t get a day off for 4th of July. I had the world’s worst boss in the US – almost no holidays except Christmas and NY.>

Cuenca –

De El Mercurio de jueves, 4/7 (2 articles):
Las llluvias y frío continuarán según pronósticos de Inamhi (Rains and cold weather to continue according to Inamhi forecasts) – The Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Inamhe) is forecasting that rain will continue in the interAndean alley containing Cuenca and Azuay, especially in the afternoons and madrugadas. The temperatures at night could fall below 11°C and reach 21 during the day. Ultraviolet radiation will be high, between 6 & 7, so avoid prolonged exposure to the sun between 10-15:00. Roads could be affected by standing water with landslides and fogbanks.

Financian proyectos de la Universidad de Cuenca (Funding of University of Cuenca projects) – <This is for all of you former academics who had to publish or perish.> 3 University of Cuenca projects have been selected to receive financing under the call for proposals from the Vlir Team of the Vliruos de Bélgica organization. They are “Nature-based solutions for sustainable sanitation in Ecuador,” “Enhancing Liveability of Ecuadorian Urban Environments for Children,” and “Beyond the souvenir: a multi-regional project for authentic and sustainable hospitality education.” These projects that will receive funding and technical support from Vliruos have the potential of generating changes in the area of sanitation, urbanism, and hospitality. They will also promote international cooperation and exchange of knowledge, key factors for scientific and social advancement.

Sucesos –

De El Mercurio de jueves, 4/7 (2 articles):
Moto equipada de la Cruz Roja para atender las emergenias (Red Cross motorcycle equipped to attend to emergencies) – The Cruz Roja del Azuay (Azuay Red Cross) has acquired a new community support and assistance vehicle to reduce response times in emergencies. Cristian Astudillo, president of the Red Cross in Azuay said there is a lack of ambulances so response times have increased. There are medical emergencies that do not require transport, but do need immediate medical attention. Ambulances respond to calls to 911, but in most cases, treatment is done at the site without the need for taking the patient to a health center. The moto is completely outfitted with the equipment needed for a paramedic to stabilize a patient. An evaluation is done first and if transport is needed, an ambulance is dispatched for emergencies requiring the most attention. <Smart idea for conserving resources. So the next crazy motorcyclist you see whitelining it, might not be a delivery moto, but a paramedic. I hope those motos come with sirens and lights.>

Inicia la construcción del retén da la cárcel e Turi (Construction begins on the Turi prison guardhouse) – Construction has started on the guardhouse outside the Turi prison and it will start operating in a few months. This was one of Mayor Zamora’s campaign promises. <Wouldn’t it be a miracle if US politicians were held to their compaign promises under law with penalties for not complying with them? There wouldn’t be enough room in the jails to accomodate all of them.> The guardhouse has tecnología de punta (state of art technology – your phrase for the day). It includes a camera with facial recognicion, a scanner for vehicles, an armored door (as well as the guardhouse being armored?), a vehicle barrier, high definition lenses, and more technological devices. <I hope the barrier is robust enough to stop something bigger than a Ford Pinto. Like maybe a Hummer?>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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