New airport studies are underway; Performance arts festival features 8 countries; Student films at Carlos Cueva Tamariz; Where to pay your electric bill

Jul 13, 2024 | 0 comments

Viernes, 12/7/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Muestra de cortometeajes en cita con “Nuevos Cineastas” (Exhibition of short films at “Nuevos Cineaistas” (New Filmmakers) event) – The 3d “Nuevos Cineastas” event will be el 25/7 a las 19:30 in the Teatro “Carlos Cueva Tamariz.” The 5 short films are the thesis projects of students from the U. of Cuenca Film School. The films deal with themes of public denunciations and the feminist movement; the Saraguran culture and ancestral medicine; friendship and transcendental decisions in adolescense; the fight against infertility in a couple; and the mourning and personal growth of a young woman who has to complete a list of tasks before the death of her friend.

Cuenca’s 18th festival of performance arts, October 2-24, and will include spoken and gestural theater, dance, new circus, clown, stand-up, pantomime, puppets and theater with new languages.

Encuentro Sinfónico (Symphonic Encounter) – The Orquesta Sinfónica Municipal de Riobamba and the Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil of the Conservatorio “José María Rodríguez” will join for the Primer Encuentro Sinfónica Juvenil with 120 artists on stage. The concert will be el sábado, 20/7 a las 19:30 in the Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura (calle Luis Cordero 7-22). Tickets will go on sale at the theater box office on the day of the event. Cost: $3.00.

Festival del cangrejo será el 4 de agosto (Crab Festival will be held on August 4) – <This if for all of you willing to go out of your way for a plate of crab.> The Crab Festival will be el 4/8 starting at 8:00 on av. Olmedo y Panamericana in Naranjal Canton in Guayas. There will be 30 different crab dishes. There will also be music and dance and other surprises for attendees. <like food poisoning?>

Titular –

Correísmo ‘arrancha’ Judicatura (Correism ‘uproots’ the Judiciary)

Cuenca –

Ocho países se tomarán ‘Escenarios del Mundo´(Eight countries will take ‘Scenarios of the World’) – The 18th festival of scenic arts will be from el 2-24/10 and will include spoken and gestural theater, dance, new circus, clown, stand-up, pantomime, puppets and theater with new languages. <Finally, an event with more than “the day of” notice.> A new feature will be a country of honor which will be Spain, and virtual participation by Venezuela. 61 presentations from 8 countries are planned with performances in theaters, high schools, rural zones and open-air spaces including Parque Calderón, Parque de la Madre, and the Pumapungo and Carlos Cueva Tamaiz theaters.

The festival is calling for proposals form artists or theater groups that have works lasting from 40-120 minutes. <Hello, gringo theater groups – performances in new languages?> The festival will also have short works lasting from 10-20 minutes for open air performances. If interested in participating, send information about your proposal to between 15/7 and 20/7/2024. The proposal should include information you that you think will be favorable for your evaluation, a video of the work or a link, artistic resume, synopsis, the trajectory of the work and group, logistical and technical requirements, and an optional economic proposal.

Nuevo aeropuerto se lo proyecta para 2036 (New airport planned for 2036) – Ítalo Mogrovejo, director of Operations, Engineering and Infrastructure for the Corporación Aeroportuaria de Cuenca (Corpac), announced that it is monitoring the meteorologial parameters for the runway orientation at the new airport which will be in Tarqui. Once this is done, the soils studies, hydrolic analysis, and other studies can be done. After that will come the search for an entity which will have the concession to design, construct and operate the terminal.

The project will take about 12 years so that Cuenca will have an international airport in 2036. Corpac has a master plan for the following administrations to continue the project. <I hope this 12 years isn’t just pie in the sky. Remember that the planning for the remodeling of San Francisco Plaza started in the mid 1950’s and it was only completed in 2019. An airport is more complicated and maybe by the time the first shovel full of dirt is dug, the need will be for a spaceport.>

Plazo de remisión de multas (Deadline for remission of fines) – The City of Cuenca is informing citizens that they can pay outstanding debts to the city until el 26/7 without interest. This is for taxes from institutions, businesses, and affiliated entities. Individual people can pay at their closest punto de pago (payment point).

Pago de las planillas de luz (Payment of electricity bills) – Electricity users can pay their bills at the cashier windows of banking entities and puntos de pago set up in tiendas de barrio (neighborhood shops). You can also pay on line at

Sucesos –

Policía rescata a hombre secuestrado en Cuenca (Police rescue kidnapped man in Cuenca) – The Policía Nacional announced the rescue of a citizen who was kidnapped by a criminal gang for $20,000 in ransom the night of el 10/7 in the Miraflores sector. The victim was held in a property in Totoracocha which had been previously raided. The delinquents abandoned the victim when they noticed police presence. Pablo Guachamín, police commander of the Azuay subzone, explained that the people who were arrested in the previous raid had been released from custody and are presumed to be implicated in this new case. <Revolving door justice> Police recommended notification of authorities about kidnappings as soon as possible so they can start their search and investigations.

Nacional –

Gasolinas Extra y Ecopaís suben otro 1% (Extra and Ecopaís gasoline up another 1%) – Starting today (viernes), Extra and Ecopaís gas rose another 1% or $.03 to $2.75/gal. The increase follows the rise in the international price for crude and combustibles. The next adjustment will be el 12/8. The national increase in prices is capped at 5% per month regardless of how much international prices go up. If prices go down, the national reduction is capped at 10% monthly. Super gas which floats with the international market went down frojm $4.11 to $3.91.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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