Chef Maria Food delivery service


Are you looking for the best traditional food from Cuenca, recognized locally and internationally to enjoy with family or friends, we have a wide variety of traditional homemade food from Cuenca, prepared by Maria Ecuadorian chef with more than 20 years of experience in traditional homemade food from Cuenca. And we can also please each one of you according to your preference in food, we prepare it to your liking or way.

-Humitas (Made from natural tender corn) with cheese and without cheese.

6 Humitas at $10.00

-Tamales chicken, pork

6 Tamales at $11.00

– Tortillas de choclo (Made from natural tender corn) with cheese or without cheese, and toast.

6 Corn Tortillas at $8.00

-Quimbolitos (Made with natural corn flour, with butter, eggs and cheese.)

6 Quimbolitos at $9.00

– Colada morada(Made with pieces of fruit with and without sugar.)

-Promotion #1 1 liter for $10.
-Promotion #2 2 liters at $17

-Morocho (Made with natural semi-skimmed milk with natural cinnamon.)

-1 liter of Morocho = $8
-1Liter of Morocho + 2 corn tortillas = $10
-1 liter of Morocho + 5 corn tortillas = $14

It is healthy food prepared by María, and I deliver it to you freshly made (Hot) and on time. Shipping is free over $10, otherwise you pay $2.

Contact to place the order:

Chef Maria Food delivery service


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