Unemployment, lack of investment plague the economy; IVA refunds are up to date; Close your garbage grill!; Exhibit revisits Ecuador’s railway era

Jul 25, 2024 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 24/7/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Exposición sobre el tren (Train exhibition) – “Abordo del Expreso Austral” will open el jueves, 25/6 a las 19:00 in the Quinta Bolívar. The exhibit includes a collection of artifacts, photos, documents and related things that capture the essence of a trip by train. Visitors can explore how rail transport influenced the cultural and economic development of the region as well as how trains connected and transformed diverse communities over time.

The ‘Abordo del Expreso Austral’ exhibit at the Quinta Bolívar in Cuenca brings back to life the era of trains in southern Ecuador.

Taller de Vitrales (Stained Glass Workshop) – The Museo Monasterio de las Conceptas is organizing the Clase Magistral de Falsos Vitrales (Faux Stained Glass Master Class) el 27/7 from 10:00 to 14:00 at their site at Hermano Miguel 6-33. Attendees will learn how to transform glass into art objects with faux stained glass techniques using glass, paint, rubber, brushes, glass, towels and reference photos. The minimum age is 10 years. The cost of $20 includes basic materials. To register call 096 352 2883 and 098 389 4797.

Exposición de pinturas en la Aceleradora Cultural de CCE (Exhibition of paintings at the Cultural Accelerator of CCE ) – Fabiola Crespo will show her paintings in the Aceleradora Cultural at the Casa de la Cultura del Azuay (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova) until the end of the month. She started painting 10 years ago because she has a daughter with intellectual disabilities. She took classes in oils and acrylics and used painting to relieve stress when she quit her job to care for her daughter.

Titular –

Recesión causa menos consumo y desempleo (Recession causes less consumption and unemployment) – The Ecuadorian economy is in a recession, a situation influenced by internal as well as external factors. Luis Tobar, an economic analyst, said the recession is due to various interrelated factors. He mentioned the slowdown in the rate of growth for sales, a decrease in auto sales, and a decline in spending due to a lack of money. <Time to start selling drugs to customers in rich countries. The new colonialism.> He also mentioned the absence of public and private investments, both national and foreign. The delinquency rates in banks and coops have increased. Add to that unemployment where only 35% of Ecuadorians have adequate employment which is working at least 40 hours a week for the basic salary of $460.

Cuenca –

De El Mercurio del martes, 23/7 (1 article):
Museo renovado (Museum renovated) – The Centreo Interamericano de Artes Populares (CIDAP) is inviting the community to the reopening of the Museo de las Artes Populares. The event will be el jueves, 25/7 starting a las 19:00 in the Jardines el CIDAP on the Paseo 3 de Noviembre. The public will enjoy a teaching journey through 30 countries and appreciate a unique collection from the reserves of the museum. It will be an opportunity to see the richness and diversity of the traditional crafts from different parts of the world.

Actualidad –

Parrillas de basura (Garbage grills) – <No, this is not an article about cooking your garbage over an open flame.> The Empresa Municipal de Aseo (EMAC EC) is reminding citizens that the garbage grills attached to their houses should be retractable. Open grills have been noticed and these can cause injuries to passersby. There are economic sanctions for people who do not install retractable grills. If a pedestrian feels they have been affected, they can take legal actions against the property owner. <I’m not even sure I should have translated this article since it opens a door for gringos raised in a super litigious society to run to a lawyer because they weren’t watching where they were going, they almost hit the grill, and now they need compensation for the trauma.>

De El Mercurio del martes, 23/7 (2 articles):
‘Retrasos’ en reembolsos de IVA (‘Delays’ in IVA refunds) – The refunding of the Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) is a benefit for adultos mayores (seniors) and people with disabilities. However, it’s been reported that there have been complaints from users about delays in the refunds up to not receiving them at all. <From gringos who submitted the paperwork in English?> María Gabriela Martínez, zone 6 director of the SRI, that in Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago <which comprises zone 6>, said that to date, the SRI is almost up to date in crediting the refunds. As for the ‘delays,’ the SRI has up to 60 days to refund the VAT to seniors and 90 days to the disabled. She said that in zone 6, there have not been inconveniences reported and refunds are being made, including in less time than required.

Rubén Parra, a lawyer specializing in tax law, said that if a beneficiary does not receive the refund in 60 or 90 days, the beneficiary can make an administrative claim. This can be done online on the SRI platform. On the website, click on “Reclamos,” then “Peticiones,” then “Devoluciones.” <Then if you’re linguistically stuck, call your facilitator or learn the language of the country that’s giving you these financial benefits.> To avoid problems, María Gabriela Martínez recommends checking your sales receipt to make sure it has the complete data including your RUC or cédula number, address, email address, and phone number. <I’d guess your name should be on there somewhere, too. It’s not listed so the reporter probably thought no one would be dumb enough to not include their name.>

Trámite para acceder (Procedure to access) – María Gabriela Martínez, the zone 6 director, said there are 2 ways to get the IVA refund once you have registered into the system. The first is to bring your physical facturas to the windows at SRI. You can also do this online at www.sri.gob.ec. The 2nd way is automatic. At authorized vendors, if you pay en efectivo (in cash – your phrase for the day), the IVA will be taken off your bill at the time of sale. Currently there are 5 businesses that can refund your IVA at the time of sale: Corporación La Favorita <Supermaxi and affiliates>, Coral Centro, Mega Santa María, Pharmacys, Cruz Azul y La Bodequita in Azogues.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). If information is incorrect, it is the responsibility of El Mercurio. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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