Buy Real Estate in a save way


To protect your investment in real estate in Ecuador, you should take into consideration the following:

1. The purchase and sale must be made through a public deed granted in an Ecuadorian notary’s office.
2. Some taxes must be paid by the buyer and other taxes must be paid by the seller.
3. The taxes and fees to be paid by the buyer are:
a. Municipality Taxes as buyer (ALCABALAS)
b. Notary Fees
c. Property Registry Taxes

4. The tax to be paid by the Seller is Capital Gains (PLUSVALIA).
5. You must make sure that the real estate is free of any charge or prohibition, by means of a certificate obtained in the Property Registry Office.
6. It is necessary to check if there are any outstanding debts on the seller name or on the property in the Municipality.
For further information, please contact Dr. Lina Ulloa or Atty. Jose Zamora at the following email addresses:

Dr. Lina Ulloa

Dani Classifieds

Nur Classifieds

Anubis Classifieds

Blue Box Classifieds

Fabianos Classifieds

Grace Classifieds

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