Cuenca’s orphans and foster kids need our help! Report tells of shortages and old equipment at IESS hospital; Symphony and ballet at Casa de la Cultura

Aug 1, 2024 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 31 /7/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Casa de la Cultura festeja 79 años con agenda de eventos (Casa de la Cultura celebrates 79 years with an agenda of events) – La Casa de la Cultura (CCE) “Benjamín Carrión” Núcleo del Azuay will commemorate its 79th anniversary with events and activities from el 30/7 to el 16/8. It started with reading workshops in the parishes of Chaucha and San Joaquín in Cuenca, and the Nieves and El Progreso parishes in Nabón. The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca and the Ballet Lumiére de Danza will perform a free concert in the Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura el 8/8 a las 20:00 as part of the festival’s closing.

The doctors and staff at Cuenca’s IESS hospital must work with outdated equipment and a lack of basic supplies, a citizens’ groups says in a new report. (El Mercurio)

Exposición pictórica – The Círculo de Artistas Plásticos de Cuenca will present a pictorial exposition in the “Aceladora Cultural” in the Casa de la Cultura (Luis Cordero 7-26 y Pres. Córdova). It will open el viernes, 2/8 a las 19:00 and run until el jueves, 22/8. The participating artists are Roberto Bravo, Esteban González, César Calero, Alfonso Muela, Carlos González y Gustavo Tapia. Free.

Cuenca será sede de evento gastronómico (Cuenca to host gastronomic event) – There was a press conference Wednesday about the national gastronomic event, “Gastro Deli,” which will be el 10 & 11/8. The event will gather culinary experts from different parts of the country who will prepare delicious Ecuadorian food. <Some of you might not believe Ecuador has delicious food, but that just means you haven’t lived here long enough for your taste buds to adjust to more subtle flavors.> There will also be artistic presentations. The Provincial Government of Azuay through its Agroazuay business, the Gastro Deli and Gran Market are organizing the event.

Titular –

Movilizados contra el “fraude” (Mobilized against “fraud”) – 17 people have died and dozens were arrested in the protests against the results of the presidential elections in Venezuela. See today’s articles in CHL for more of the story.

Cuenca –

Frecuencias de líneas de buses con ajustes durante vacaciones (Bus line frequencies will be adjusted during vacations) – Due to lower demand during vacations, the Cámara de Transporte de Cuenca (CTC) will adjust the itineraries for urban buses. The starting and ending hours of service will not change, but the intervals between buses could be longer. LInes with high demands such as the 4, 7, or 100 will not change. The service will go back to normal 15 days before students return to classes el 2/9.

De El Mercurio del martes, 30/7 (1 article):
“Vida útil de equipos del IESS terminó en el 2015” (“Useful life of IESS equipment ended in 2015”) – A report from El Observatorio Ciudadano headed by José María Egas, presented el lunes, found problems in the IESS Hospital “José Carrasco Arteaga.” These included the end of the useful lives in 2015 of almost 100% of the equipment, a deficit of about 300 professionals, an excessive centralization of decisions in Quito which causes delays, an almost collapsed infrastructure — especially in the systems for potable water, steam, medical oxygen, natural gas, electricity and fire detection. In the area of sterilization, one of the 3 autoclaves has been out of service for a few years, and the other 2 have ended their useful livespans even though they are still operating. The lack of surgical and diagnostic equipment such as CT scanners force doctors to refer patients to other institutions, increasing both operating loads and costs.

The lack of an adequate policy for acquisitions and centralizing the purchasing process for medications and supplies has aggravated the crisis. The policy of waiting until “stock cero” (zero stock) before initiating contracting has left patients without their medications for periods of time. Also, outside referrals which started with special circumstances has become regular practice. This combined with the debts IESS owes to outside providers has become critical with lack of treatment for cancer and dialysis patients.

The citizen observers who issued the report and admitted that these were things “todos sabían” (everybody knew) <especially the patients who couldn’t get tests because the machine was broken, or were scrambling to get their medications>, but now there is a document that can’t be left without a response for the citizenry. The observers called on the Government, Mayor’s Office, Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Health (MSP), and the IESS to take action on the issue. <What do you want to bet the action will be to put the report in the circular file?> The observers proposed decentralization of decisions to avoid unnecessary bureaucracy, an exhaustive review of the Human Resources structure, implementing a plan to gradually replace equipment, and audits to identify negligences and responsibilities.

Sociedad –

De El Mercurio del martes, 30/7 (1 article):
En las casas de acogia la ayuda solidaria es clave (Solidarity support is key in foster homes) – Vulnerable children, teens, and seniors who live in orphanages and old-age homes always need the help of citizens to subsist. Although the centers manage their own resources, they are always open to donations. The St. Vincent de Paul Foundation’s Casa Infantil Tadeo Torres is always receiving help, but it is desalentador (discouraging – our word for the day) that so much of what is donated is in bad shape. What they need most are diapers and non-perishable food. The orphanage is in Capulispamba in the El Molino building. The Fundación Alianza en el Desarrollo which helps 120 vulnerable children also needs continuing help from citizens. Toys, school supplies, crafts materials and other supplies can be donated in the center at General Artigas y Gabriela Mistral.

The Hogar Miguel León which houses vulnerable children and teens as well as seniors, also needs donations. The things most used are non-perishable food; cleaning supplies including bleach, deja <which seems to be a type of detergent>, soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, and wet wipes as well as diapers for both babies and adults. <I’m hoping that I won’t be needing adult diapers in my future.>

If you donate toys or clothing, please verify that they are in good condition. As a commendable act of solidarity, remember that the recipients deserve dignified treatment. At the Hogar Cristo Rey which houses 113 seniors, adult diapers, cleaning supplies and non-perishable foods are always needed. The ‘Día de la Familia’ will be el 25/8 which coincides with the death of Santa Teresa de Jesús Jornet, the patron of the adulto mayor (senior citizen). There will be a celebration starting at 9:00 with sales of various products, artistic presentations, bingo, and a festival of “Comida Solidaria.” The cost to join the activities is $5.00. <So what’s your plan if you wind up too feeble to care for yourself?>

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 08

Expert Warns: Ecuador May Face Extended Blackouts Without Immediate Action.

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President Noboa Highlights Need for Legislative Support in Manabí Amid Key Infrastructure Deliveries.

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Travel time between Guayaquil and Cuenca could be reduced by at least one hour with a new highway.

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