New project promotes women in tourism

Aug 9, 2024 | 0 comments

Ecuador has launched the Violeta Tourism Project (Turismo Violeta), a collaborative effort between the country’s Ministry of Tourism and the Inter-American Development Bank (BID). This initiative aims to reshape the tourism landscape by prioritizing women’s roles in the industry while promoting sustainable practices.

The project focuses on integrating women into various aspects of tourism, from entrepreneurship to service provision. It also emphasizes preserving Ecuador’s cultural heritage and encourages responsible travel behaviors.

Groups participating in Violeta Tourism experiences can expect to interact with local communities, particularly indigenous groups. These encounters offer insights into traditional customs and practices, many of which have been passed down through generations.

The initiative also highlights regional culinary traditions, allowing attendees to taste authentic Ecuadorian dishes prepared using local ingredients and time-honored techniques.

By placing women at the center of these tourism experiences, the Violeta Tourism Project aims to create more diverse and inclusive travel opportunities in Ecuador. This approach benefits local communities and provides travelers with unique, culturally rich experiences.

Ecuador’s Ministry of Tourism launched the initiative with pilot programs at three Community Tourism Centers in three of the country’s regions: Sinchi Warmi in Napo Province (Amazonia); La Moya in Chimborazo Province (Sierra); and Dos Mangas in Santa Elena Province (Coast).


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