Cuenca sees influx of holiday tourists; New projects will boost power generation; Noise ordinance fine-tuned; Holiday agenda; Regenerative agriculture

Aug 10, 2024 | 0 comments

Viernes, 9/8/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Marco Martínez Espinoza crea “Alquimia Natural” y la expone (Marco Martinez Espinoza creates “Alquimia Natural” (Natural Alchemy) and exhibits it) – “Alquimia Natural” opened last miércoles in the Galería de la Alcaldía (Bolívar y Borrero). Marco Martínez Espinoza has had shows in the US, France, Switzerland and Great Britain. He is known for celebrating and connecting to the richness of nature. Over the years he has developed a technique that allows him to capture the textures of animals and plants using his own mixture of oils and inks.

Titular –

Cuenca is expecting thousands of tourists during the three-day holiday weekend. Special events and historical tours will be part of the options for visitors (see the agenda for details). (El Mercurio)

‘La Tigra’ de plata (The silver Tiger) – Ecuatoriana Lucía Yépez won the silver in wrestling. See Friday’s CHL article for the story.

Cuenca –

Cuenca, el destino ideal para pasar en el feriado (Cuenca, the ideal holiday destination) – Cuenca is receiving tourists during the 10 de Agosto holiday from cities such as Loja, Quito, Machala y Guayaquil. Hotel occupancy ayer was at 75% with hopes that it will reach 95% over the weekend. The Dirección de Cultura has coordinated different activities such as museum tours and visits to churches and archeological sites. There are security plans involving the Government, City, Consejo de Seguridad Ciudadana and the Guardia Ciudadana to create a secure corridor on the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal so tourists won’t experience inconvenientes (inconveniences – your word for the day <and kind of an understatement for getting stopped and robbed along the road>). There will be controls at the airport, terminal terrestre, markets, parks, and public spaces with large crowds. The IVA will stay at 15%. There are only 12 days during the year when the IVA is reduced with the next dates on the 2 & 3/11.

Rutas de Leyendas/ Viernes 9
11-17:00 – Parque Calderón
18-19:00 – Ruta Parque Calderón-La Merced

Sábado 10
10:30-11:00 – Ruta por las Criptas (crypts) de las Catedrales
19:00 – Ruta de Fantasmas (ghosts) en el Museo de las Conceptas

Entrepreneur fairs called “Siente el Amor por Cuenca” (Feel the Love for Cuenca) in the Plazoleta de Santo Domingo and on Avenida 12 de Abril

Sábado 10 y domingo 11
11-21:00 – El Gran Market “Gastro Deli” in the Mall del Río with 12 entrepreneur producers- There will be dueling grillers, live cooking, canine catwalk. Free.

Sábado 10 – Santa Isabel: IV edition of the “Trail Race Carachula from 8:00 with village bands, DJs, and tourist walks. Free.

Sevilla de Oro – 2024 Gastronomic, Crafts, and Tourist and Technological Fair with musical artists and dance. “Noche Cultural de Confraternidad Sevillana” from 20:30 in the Plaza Civica with “Papaya Dada” and “Proyecto Coraza.”

Domingo 11
Sevilla de Oro: Motocross on the track next to the Municipal Stadium from 13:30. The festivities will close with “La Noche Cultural Sevillana” with PlayBand. Free.

2 ‘vitales’ proyectos eléctricos (3 ‘vital’ power projects) – There are 3 power projects in Azuay which could help mitigate the scarcity of electricity, especially in seasons when water levels are low. They would reduce the risk of shutoffs for the whole country. Diego Morales, professor, electrical engineer, and president of the Colegio de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos del Azuay (CIEELA), said it is urgent that these projects be carried out. One of the projects is the Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Soldaos Yanuncay (PHSY) on the border of Baños and San Joaquin parishes in Cuenca. The Empresa Electrico Generadora del Austro (Elecaustro) is in charge of the project. The construction started at the beginning of 2022, but was suspended due to opposition by residents who said it would reduce the water in the creeks and the Yanuncay River, and cause climate changes. <If I remember correctly, the opposition included property damage to some heavy construction equipment. Can’t remember if fire was involved.> Morales said that the plant would generate 26 megawatts, guarantee the flow to the Sustag Potable Water Treatment Plant, avoid the river overflowing, and provide sufficient water for irrigation.

Another project is the Proyecto Eólico El Pimo in the communities of Pimo y Can Can in Cuenca. The wind farm would generate close to 200 MW with the Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador (CELEC EP) in charge. The 3d project is the Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Multipropósito Agustina in Girón which will use part of the flow of the ‘El Burro’ River to generate 19.17 MW. The 3 projects are medium term with construction periods of 2-4 years and could provide about 240 MW of the deficit of 1,080 MW that the country currently has.

Tito Solano, an electrical engineer and researcher, said that the Austro is fundamental in confronting shutoffs since it provides the most electrical power in the country. CELEC’s hydroelectric plants in the Austro are Mazar with 170 MW, Paute-Molino with 1,100, Sopladora with 487 MW, and Minas-San Francisco with 270 MW. There are also Saucay with 24 MW, Saymirín with 8, Ocaña with 26.1, Mini Central Gualaceo with 0.97, and la Central Termoeléctrica El Descanso which is not operating with 19.2. At the border of Loja and Azuay is the Proyecto Eólico Minas de Huaschaca (PEMH) with 50 MW.

Actualidad –

De El Mercurio de jueves, 8/8 (2 articles):

EMOV modifica horarios de atención por el feriado (EMOV modifies hours due to holiday) – The Empresa Municipal de Movilidad (EMOV EP) announced changes in its hours at the centers for vehicle inspections and registrations due to the 10 de agosto holiday. El viernes, 9/8, the centers in Capulispamba, Mayancela, and the Terminal Terrestre will be from 8-12:00. The centers will be closed el sábado, 10/8. Service will resume el lunes, 12/8 with normal hours of 8-17:00 from lunes a viernes and hours from 8-12:00 los sábados.

Multa de hasta cinco salarios básicos por exceso de ruido (Fines of up to five basic salaries for excessive noise) – The Comisión de Gestión Ambiental (CGA Comisión de Gestión Ambiental) is fine tuning details for an ordinance to control noise in Cuenca. Carlos Orellana, director of the CGA said the final touches have been made and the file will be delivered to Mayor Zamora this week. The ordinance contains fines for excessive noise from 50% of the SBU ($230) up to 5 times the SBU ($2,300). <Quick – test your arithmetic skills – how much is the SBU?> There is an exception when public events are held with volumes outside of normal such as the fiestas for the founding and independence of Cuenca and New Years. <If Christmas decorations show up in stores before Halloween, how much in advance of the fiestas can you blast those loudspeakers?>

The ordinance would regulate soundproofing in bars and discos, eliminate the use of loudspeakers, perifoneo <I wonder if the gas trucks’ and “We buy old appliances, scrap metal, etc” trucks’ announcements will get quieter?> Cuenca has actually had a noise ordinance since 2017, but it should have been superceded by a regulation that was never passed.

Tema –

Con la agricultura regenerativa gana gestión ambiental (Regenerative agriculture wins in environmental management) – Regenerative agriculture is an innovative focus that seeks to transform the food system and at the same time, to restore soil health, promote biodiversity, and reduce environmental impact. In comparison with conventional methods of agriculture, regenerative agriculture is centered on working with nature to create more resilient and sustainable atricultural systems.

In Ecuador, there is growing interest and adoption of sustainable and ecologically conscious agricultural practices. Farmers in the Sierra and Amazonía are implementing integrated systems of crops and trees to promote biodiversity and soil health which improve productivity as well as contribute to the conservation of natural resources. Networks of farmers and organizations have surged, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences. In addition, research and development projects have generated evidence about the benefits of this practice in mitigating climate change and in food security. <All it’s going to take to create global food insecurity is a blight on corn, wheat, or rice crops like the potato blight in Ireland. Ecuador seems positioned to weather such a disaster better than countries that rely on industrial agriculture.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). If information is incorrect, it is the responsibility of El Mercurio. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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