Error is inevitable, fossilization is optional


“What on Earth is fossilization? Are you talking about dinosaurs?”
No, I am talking about the process in which your pronunciation mistakes become a habit and cannot be easily corrected even by the most experienced teacher.
Unfortunately, that happens with 99% of students who try to master a language by reading or writing without first developing listening skills.
How do you know if this training suits you?”

1. G-mail me for details.
2. We will arrange a 20 minutes online meeting in order to determine if I can help you, if so,
3. Save your spot for September.
All the best,

La Vilma Vega.

Blue Hummingbird Spanish Lessons

Dani Classifieds

Nur Classifieds

Anubis Classifieds

Blue Box Classifieds

Fabianos Classifieds

Grace Classifieds

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