IESS union chief investigation continues; Water rationing begins in Baños; Street signage and traffic controls in school zones are upgraded

Aug 22, 2024 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 21/8/2024

Hola, Todos –

This is going to be a super short issue – no really interesting articles and I’m loopier than normal because I’m full of anesthetics from dental surgery which will segue into follow-up painkiller loopiness.

Actividades –

Studio Ghibli Tribute Concert – An immersive experience adapted to those with hearing and visual disabilities – viernes, 23/8 at 17:30 and at 20:00 – Teatro Pumapungo – limited seating – tickets available at the Museo Pumapungo, El Mercurio, Citycom, meet2go, El Surtido (?) and 4 other place with logos too small to read. Cost? Probably not free.

Azuay Province National Assembly members presented the latest findings in their investigation of IESS hospital union leader Rosa Argudo on Tuesday. (El Mercurio)

Titular –

Fiscal: estoy lista para ‘narcojuicio’ (Prosecutor: I am ready for ‘narco-trial’) – See today’s (miércoles) article in CHL for story.1

Cuenca –

Casa Argudo: inusual patrimonio (Argudo Case: unusual assets) – Azuayan assembly members presented preliminary information on the audit process into corruption at the “José Carrasco Arteaga” IESS hospital. They looked at the management of Rosa Argudo who has been the top executive of the Sindicato Nacional Único de Obreros del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (Sinduoiess – National Union of Workers of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute) for 21 years. She also presides over the Confederación Ecuatoriana de Trabajadores y Organizaciones de la Seguridad Social (Cetoss) and has family members who work in this health institution.

Assemblyman Diego Matovelle said that officials of the IESS were asked to appear before the Assembly after allegations about irregularities became public. Assemblyman Leonardo Berrequeta said corruption was found in the trainings that Sinduoiess offered its workers for $80/year. The payments for these courses were not deposited into union accounts, but into those of private public servants. He added that workers were defrauded since they had been told that taking the courses would be considered for promotions and administrative changes. He showed a certificate from one of the trainings given in 2006 from the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, but the curriculum included in these trainings was terminated, i.e. it no longer existed. So the certificates had no legal validity.

Adrián Castro, another assemblyman, said that a building at Miguel Cordero Dávila and Alfonso Cordero valued at over $1 million was in the name of Abel Terreros, Rosa Argudo’s husband. But Sra. Argudo never made more than $1,250/month, and it would have been impossible to accumulate that level of assets on that pay. Castro also revealed that Argudo cashed a $5,000 check from Sinduoiess each month, and other union directors also received payments from the union. The investigation also included Juan José C. whose name appeared in a negotiation for the hotel San Antonio which was sold to Cetoss by the cónyuge (spouse – your word for the day) of Rosa Argudo. The property was valued at $102,000 when it was the property of Argudo’s husband, but it was sold to Cetoss for more than $750,000 which Castro thought was suspicious. All of it was configured like an alleged crime of illegal, unjust enrichment.

Mejoran señalización vial previo al inicio de clases (Improved road signage prior to the start of classes) – The Municipal Department of Mobility has started installing traffic lights, reductores de velocidad (speed bumps?) and other signage in areas with high concentrations of pedestrians and vehicular traffic. Pablo Carvallo, director of the department, said stoplights have been installed in the zone adjacent to the Coliseo “Jefferson Pérez.” In other areas with fewer pedestrians but problems with speeding, simulated parterres (planting strips) have been installed. 400 school campuses have gotten pedestrian crosswalks installed and restrictions on parking.

De El Mercurio del martes, 20/8 (1 article):
La Junta de Agua de Baños implementó racionamientos (The Water Board of Baños implemented rationing) – La Junta de Agua Potable y Saneamiento de Baños (JAAPyS), the 2nd largest community water organization in Cuenca, started rationing el lunes due to the drought. The flow in the río Minas as well as the reservoirs have reached extremely low levels, prompting the rationing. Its Facebook page shows the schedule of outages as well as recommendations to save water. Avoid irrigating crops and washing vehicles <dang, my annual carwash is coming up soon>, consider water saving devices in showers and faucets, don’t wash your car with a hose. <On those rare occasions when I wash the car, I use a chamois.> The water board Proyecto Nero which serves about 40,000 people, started rationing el 12/8. <Coming to your neighborhood proximamente.>

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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