Please, can you help Rex?


Thanks to those who have helped, with an urgent plea to keep poor Rex improving! Thanks for your suggestions and donations, he’s getting better but still needs help!

My friend, Carmita Avila, with Rescate Animal Cuenca, has taken Rex from Perdition to near health, working tirelessly for the past three years. Won’t you help her take him all the way?

Rescued in a terrible state, Rex now needs to continue with his prescribed Pro Plan Ultimates. At $120/bag, it is more than Carmita and her grassroots group of private Cuenca rescues can manage, along with their other charges.

Maybe you have an extra bag of Pro Plan Ultimates? Why not meet Rex? Perhaps give him a loving home to live out his life with dignity? Rescate will use your donation responsibly. Since 2013, they have rescued and placed over 1700 pets.

While it’s easy to criticize, these people are doing the best they can with what they can. Won’t you instead be part of the solution? Rescate is not as well known or publicized as some of the other rescue groups, but they are just as dedicated and deserving, rescuing, vetting, housing and placing pets in loving, responsible Forever Homes. It’s a community effort and we are all part of the community.

Please donate via PayPal or Banco Pinchincha Account 2205754228
Carmita Avila, cedula 010200214

Please contact Carmita directly
Carmita Avila
WA 99 945 4653

City: Cuenca

Doreen Dvorin

99 075 8544

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